29-Thunder and Lightning

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Despite my joyous feelings concerning my relationship with Leo Blythe, ironically, the weather seemed to cry.
The sky had gotten more grey, the rain had become an everyday occurence, along with thunderstorms and even shoots of hail.
And although Forks, Washington had a reputation for its soggy weather, even its local inhabitants had commented on the oddity of it.
"It's weird, right? I mean, I know that like, in England, you have this weather a lot too, but like, you know? It's pretty extreme to have so much thunder and rain. Even here," Jessica endlessly rambled on and on, switching from one topic to the next, whilst I half-listened.

I had told her about Leo and I, and, for a solid four days, she had incessantly been teasing me about it. Now that she'd stopped, we were finally talking about other things. Who knew Jessica would ever find an interest in the weather?

As we strolled around the corridors of Forks High School, for the last few days after New Year's Eve had passed, and so had the vacation, she chattered on and on and eventually discussed Mike again. Apparently, they had been fighting lately, and she suspected infidelity on his side.

We entered the Biology classroom, and I was almost relieved to get away from my giddy friend and find myself sitting next to a silent Edward Cullen. It was my first Biology class back from vacation, and, consequently, my first time seeing him again.
He stared straight in front of him with dark, emotionless eyes. He almost looked dead.

I turned to Leo and saw that he had already been staring at me. I immediately felt my cheeks heat up and my lips curl upwards. He mimicked my movements before looking away, still smiling.

The whole of the class, Edward did not say a word to me. So he was ignoring my existence—absolutely superb.
Not only that, but I'd noticed that he was completely unmoving. He stayed in the same, rigid position for the whole 60 minutes which composed the class time. As far as I could see, he wasn't even breathing—he literally resembled a statue. And I'd also not failed to see that he was gripping the desk forcefully, and had purposefully sat himself as farther away from me as possible. This almost made me roll my eyes—did I smell that bad?
I sniffed my hair, but didn't feel anything odd. I brushed this off as Edward's mood-changing personality coming into action and decided to pay attention to Mr. Banner.
The class dragged on and on, and Edward never spoke one word to me. I felt embarrassed of once thinking he had taken an interest—no matter how minuscule—in me. Of course, I was wrong.
Why are you even frustrated? Remember Leo? Your boyfriend? The boy you snogged?
I felt my jaw clench and focused on the professor once again.

   After what felt like hours, the class ended, and it was time for my last period of the day, and, conveniently, the one I despised most; gym.
I had never been skilled in the sports department. Growing up in the muggle world didn't enhance my football, volleyball, or tennis skills. I had always been more interested in quieter activities.
I walked to the Gym class with Leo, Mike, Angela, and Jessica, who was talking to Mike about something. Judging from his defensive expression, she was confronting him about something—most likely her suspicions on him cheating.
Suddenly, I felt a warm touch around my fingers. I looked to my right and smiled at Leo and I's intertwined fingers. He squeezed my hand as he smiled down at me, making my grin widen.
In a spur of speed, I saw a quick figure zoom past us—it was Edward. He was walking so fast, it looked like he was running, but his feet were practically dragging along the ground. He definitely was in a mood today.
   "What's up with Cullen?" Mike asked.
   "Dunno," Jessica said, whilst Mike looked at me expectantly.
   "What?" I asked.
   "Don't you know? I thought he would've told you."
   "Wha-why would he tell me? He didn't speak a word to me in Biology, let alone speak to me."
   "Oh. I just thought, y'know, seeing as he's got a crush on you..."
I felt my cheeks heat up.
   "Well, if he does, he's too late. Sabrina's already taken," I heard Leo say beside me, making my blush strengthen.
He leaned down and kissed my cheek, to which I smiled.
   "Get a room, you two," Mike said, whilst Jessica and Angela both exclaimed; "awww" simultaneously.

   The Gym uniform was too large for me, but it was the only size left. I sighed as I entered the large gymnasium. Balls were already getting thrown around. Great.
From my peripheral vision, I noticed a statuesque figure standing a few metres from me. Immediately, I knew it was Edward.
I completely ignored him and walked over to Jessica and the others. Two could play at his useless game.
Mr. Rich, who, ironically, resembled a homeless man, explained the rules of the game of handball we would be playing. I sighed and prepared to awkwardly stand in a corner, inactive.
And so did my two hours of class get spent—I avoided the ball at all times, and made sure to always be behind whoever was passing it to someone, so I wouldn't be responsible for catching it and making a goal.
Edward, however, was an excellent sportsman, I had to admit. His movements were swift and rapid, and he never failed to catch the ball and throw it into the goal post. It was a shame he wasn't on my team.

I was relieved when class ended, and was hurried to change out of my smelly uniform back into my clothes again. I would shower at home—I didn't trust the school showers.
Leo and I walked with Jessica and the others for a while, but there came a moment when we had to split ways, since our houses weren't in the same direction.
As I waved goodbye to Leo, Jessica, Angela, and Mike, (Eric had already left to his home.) I turned towards the direction which would eventually lead to my own home.

I glanced up at the sombre sky. It was filled with grey clouds, and I could hear light thunder in the distance. The whole street was dimly illuminated and almost looked completely grey. The lampposts emitted a warm light, barely illuminating the cobblestone path.
All of a sudden, the explosive sound of thunder was heard. I observed a large lightning bolt strike up in the clouds. But still, there was no rain.
After that, the thunder was faint, and so was the lightning. It was as if the first bolt had been a warning, and then calmed down straight after.
I glanced up at the cloud-covered sky.

It was dark, but I was certain I had seen a very familiar shape in the clouds.
The symbol of Voldemort.

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