28-A Jealous Edward

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For over a month now, I had wondered why Sabrina Jones had been so cold towards me.
Now that I finally knew the answer, I regretted with all my might ever leaving her that fresh October night, despite knowing it would've been much worse if I hadn't.
The mere thought of her disliking me caused a sharp pang in my stomach to erupt. I wanted her to at least like me. I needed her to like me.
How was I to repair these broken pieces of friendship which we had installed? And was I to watch her love another handsome, human, warm boy? Was I to sorrowfully watch how she and Leo shared kisses and touches, how they ate dinners together and danced with each other at prom?
Yes, I was. For I had made a vow—one I would not—could not—break.
And the fragments of our friendship had to be left as they were; I could not interfere. And besides, there was no way to stick them back together anyway.
Maybe I was to be alone forever, watching the one I loved most with another.

   Another dreadfully grey month passed, and it was already December. School had ended and it was currently the 30th of the month. Tomorrow night, a new year would come.
I was dreading it. For I knew that Sabrina and Leo had planned to see each other. They were going over to Eric's house for a party. And I also knew that they both had feelings for each other. That they were both good for each other. And that they would of course share a kiss once the clock was to strike twelve. And all I could do was simply watch.
Even the mere thought of Leo Blythe laying a finger on Sabrina made my jaw clench and my imagination run wild into scenes of me pushing Leo into a nearby wall—surely, that wouldn't fatally wound him, would it?

When I had seen the two kiss, (for I had been observing from a nearby tree) I had foolishly imagined myself as Leo. I had imagined Sabrina telling me all her dilemmas, all her troubles and miseries. I internally thanked Leo's mind for letting me access it, although my stronger feeling towards him was resentment, so that I could at least feel what it was like to kiss Sabrina. And it was wonderful.
Her soft lips were gentle and tender, and tasted something like elderberry. The feeling of her hands on my—Leo's—chest made me want to melt. Hearing her angelic laugh was like listening to a choir in church. And her smile. Her beautiful, sweet smile which I couldn't get out of my mind.
All of those things made me grow extremely jealous of Leo. I dearly wished I had been born in his body just to live that one moment.
But wishing like this was to no avail, unfortunately. I simply had to accept it and continue living as I did—miserably and alone.

Every time she had sat next to me in biology class and ignored my sole existence to gaze at Leo—and what an adoring, loving look it was—my dead heart seemed to shatter into pieces.
She loved another, and I could not even try to win her over.

The hours passed and, before I knew it, it was already Eight in the evening; the time for the party.
I had been invited, of course, and had decided to go, though it was solely to admire Sabrina. To protect her—even though I knew deep down I was the one she needed protection from.
When she had come into the room, there was like a spotlight on her. She was discreetly holding Leo's hand and smiling sweetly. Leo was leaning down and looking at his beloved with a look so intense and adoring, it was almost mesmerising to see.
The pain I felt at seeing their warm, fragile bodies touch was indescribable. And the worst was that, as a vampire, these feelings which I had developed for this odd, human girl, would never cease to grow. It had been so with all of my siblings—once they'd fallen in love, they never fell out of it.
And so I knew I was destined to live a long, miserable, meaningless life, one without the one I love by my side. For as a vampire, even feelings stayed frozen and unchanged.

The pair spent the whole night in each other's company; they danced, they chatted, they ate, and, at last, when it was announced that there would be a small display of fireworks in the backyard, they walked together as well.
The fireworks were nothing special, but as soon as they rose up in the sky and everyone screamed—
"Happy New Year!"
—practically all the couples turned to each other and shared kisses—including Leo and Sabrina.
They turned to each other, smiling at one another, when Leo's lips parted. His eyelids fell slightly and he approached a blushing Sabrina. She slowly closed her eyes, and he laid his lips upon hers. He placed both of his hands on her waist, but not tightly, and she put hers on his chest, as she had before. On his warm, beating heart.
They kissed for a few moments, then broke apart, unaware of the crying monster watching them from above.

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