19-First step to the truth

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Instead of enjoying the party, all I've been thinking about is...Mike.
He touched me.
I still couldn't believe it. He did it right after his break up with Jessica, too! He was a traitor, but I didn't know whether I should inform Jessica of his infidelity. I didn't want her to blame me, but It'd be worse if she found out from someone else later.
After contemplating my options for a good two minutes, I decided I should tell her. On Monday, when we go back to school.

The short-lived weekend passed soon enough, and before I knew it, it was Monday. The day was dreaded by many. Some because of school, some work, and me...Because of Mike.
As soon as I arrived, I decided it was time. I wasn't going to shy out of it last minute.
Just as I was making my way to find her, Mike stopped me.
   "Sabrina! I just wanted to tell you that Friday night is sorta blurry to me, so I don't really know what I did. If I did anything weird, it was because of the alcohol!" he said so quickly I had a hard time focusing at first.
   "Oh-oh, erm, yes. Okay. Don't worry about it."
He grinned and left, walking up to his friends.
So he was drunk. Good, that explains it. Now, I won't have to explain anything to Jessica. He probably doesn't even remember he broke up with her.
Instead of looking for Jessica, I decided to search for someone else-Leo. I hadn't seen him at the party, and he'd been acting a little distant lately. Or maybe he never considered me as a friend at all?
I walked into the library, in hopes of coming across him, and to my delight, he was. I sat at his table. He looked up at me, and I noticed the bags under his eyes. They were quite subtle, but noticeable nonetheless.
   "Hi," I said.
   "Hi," he answered, looking at me with the slightest shadow of a...frown?
   "Are you...alright?" I asked him.
   "Yeah, I...," he started and looked down. "I'm alright."
   "Erm, what are you reading?" I asked, making conversation.
He handed me the novel in question. It was The Giver, a novel I'd thoroughly enjoyed.
   "The Giver? I really enjoyed that book," I said, smiling. "Which part are you reading?"
   "The one where Jonas thinks about the cold to reduce his body heat," he smiled.
   "Oh, so you're almost done. Well, tell me your thoughts on it when you finish," I smiled back. I was glad he was being friendly. I felt as though he didn't like me before, but maybe it was all in my head. I glanced at his eyes, which, to my surprise, were already staring into mine. I immediately looked away and onto the book, hoping he hadn't noticed and thought this was some sort of romantic moment. I felt my hands grow sweaty.
"Did you like the party?" Leo asked, and I looked back at a confident, slightly smirking handsome young man, despite his eye bags.
"Oh-erm, well, yes, I suppose."
He chuckled quietly. I furrowed my eyebrows the slightest bit. I looked behind me to see if anyone had done something funny. I turned around and asked, "What is it?"
"Nothing, it's just...you speak like you're from the nineteen-twenties or something."
Was that an insult? Was it bad to speak apparently nineteen-twenties' English? I didn't know how to react, so I just said, "Oh, erm, yeah."
   "So, I heard Mike broke up with Jessica," he said matter-of-factly.
   "Oh-yes, but Mike was drunk. I don't think he knew what he was doing."
   "Really? 'Cause he told me about it today. He said he had his eye on another girl."
   "...Did he now?" I asked. Had Mike lied? Had he not been drunk? Was that just an excuse to remain my friend? Either way, there was no way I'd ask him or bring the subject up. It would be much, much too awkward.
   "Anyways, I have...a friend who wanted to know this. About your ex, do you still like him?"
I looked at his icy irises. It seemed as though a million questions were circling through my mind, stacking on top of each-other like paperwork. Who asked Leo this? What should I answer? Do I tell the truth? What if Voldemort comes back? What if they all know? What if I'm living in a dream? What if someone is reading my mind? And a million more. But I had to think fast.
   "Oh, erm. Well, I suppose-erm, well, I'm not sure."
Leo chuckled again. This time, I knew why.
   "So...you miss him?"
I felt as though the whole room went quiet. As though everyone stopped their chatter to hear my answer. As though I was performing in an auditorium.
Leo raised his eyebrows.
   "Wow. Is he that cool?"
   "Yes, he was."
Suddenly, I realised my mistake. What was I to do? I had to either tell the truth and be perceived as a madwoman, say my boyfriend died and make up a lie about it, or pretend it was a mistake. But who would accidentally infer someone is dead? The seconds were passing, and I knew I had to say something.
   "He, erm, he...passed away awhile ago."
Leo's eyes widened.
   "Oh! I'm so sorry, oh my god. I really didn't know."
   "Yeah, it's okay, it's not your fault at all," I attempted a smile. Why had I told him? He was fairly new to my life, what if he was a secret death-eater? I looked at Leo, and noticed he was opening his mouth, then closing it, as though debating on whether or not he should say-or ask-something. I had an idea of what it was, and tried to come up with an answer. I'd simply say Cedric had died in a car accident.
In the end, I didn't end up needing to answer any questions on that subject, because none were asked. Maybe Leo felt it inappropriate or rude to ask such a thing. I had to say, the image I had of Americans was quite different.

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