20-Back to 1994

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Her. That was all I could think about.
The way her emerald irises shined, the way her skin looked when she was flustered, the way her ashy hair lay on her shoulders...
All those traits were overshadowed by one trait that my monstrous instinct could barely resist; her scent.
Ever since Mike Newton's party, which had been three days ago, it was as if I'd taken a laundry pin off my nose. Her scent was so heavenly, I couldn't believe I hadn't realised it yet. It was the best I'd ever smelled in eighty years. It smelled like sweet Lilac and salt at the same time. It was incredible how I still hadn't killed her.
Killed her.
I could've killed her.
What is wrong with me? I could've killed this poor, innocent girl and here I was, marvelling about her appearance! Thank god Rosalie couldn't read my thoughts.

   I was discreetly waiting for Sabrina in biology class. Once her slim figure came into view, I almost subconsciously smiled. That was until the fan in the room sent her scent right at me. I clenched my jaw and covered my nose, not allowing myself the luxury of smelling her again. Once she came closer, I'd stopped breathing all together. It wasn't comfortable, but it wouldn't kill me. I stared at her eyes and wished dearly she wasn't a witch. I wanted to know what that beautiful, porcelain facade was hiding at all times. I wondered if she hid her thoughts on purpose, simply out of precaution, or if it was subconscious. She must have noticed I was staring, because her cheeks turned pink and she slightly turned her head away. I bit back a smirk. Thank god I can't smell her, I thought.
That was when I heard a thought that completely changed this somewhat romantic atmosphere I'd built up-at least in my mind.
It was from Leo. His mind had been at peace this morning, whilst he talked to Sabrina, but suddenly, a vision came into his mind again.
It was a bright, sunny day. Sabrina was in a sort of courtyard, along with many others. They all wore cloaks, despite the obvious heat. I noticed how the only varied element of these clothes were the ties they all seemed to wear. Some were yellow, some green, some red, and some blue. Sabrina was wearing a yellow one, whilst her three friends I vaguely recognised wore red ones. They were the same three people I'd seen before; on the photograph and when the one with the glasses left them, in the ruins of a castle. However, they looked younger here. And instead of being a unified group, the red-headed one was walking away angrily, followed by the one wearing glasses. The bushy-haired girl disapprovingly looked at them. She then said something to Sabrina before leaving. Sabrina awkwardly stood, looking at her feet, when I noticed someone else. A boy. He was, in fact, an extremely handsome one. He was Cedric. The ressemblance with me was striking. He, too, was wearing a yellow tie. He was laughing with his, I assumed, group of friends, when they pointed at Sabrina. That was when I vaguely started understanding what they were saying.
"Don't be a bore, Ced!"
"Yeah, c'mon! Pining... girl!" I could barely make out their words.
Cedric laughed, then got up from the bench he was on and walked over to Sabrina, who was sitting against a tree. Cedric looked back at his friends, who gave him a thumbs up, before turning back and confidently striding towards her. He said her name, and once she looked up and saw it was him, her eyes slightly widened and she blushed. I had to say, seeing this did make me the tiniest bit jealous.
"Hey...Would...Yule Ball...me?" he asked; I still didn't really understand what he was saying.
"Oh! Erm, yeah, sure, of course!" she answered. I heard that clearly, for once.
"Perfect," he answered, before coming closer to her, which is when the height difference became really apparent. He looked a few years older than her. He took a strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear, making her blush even more. He smiled and said something inaudible to me, before returning to his cheering friends.
Soon enough, the vision disappeared and Leo was left in shock, staring at me and Sabrina.
"What in the hell was that? Why am I having weird daydreams again?" he thought to himself, and lightly hit his head with his tense fists.
Now, I was curious too. Why was Leo having visions of Sabrina's past?

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