18-A vampire can dream

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   I stared at Sabrina in confusion. "That's cool."? Is that it?
Perhaps my efforts to seduce her had been in vain. Perhaps attraction was making me blind.
Was it really just attraction?
I felt a bond with Sabrina's kind, beautiful soul. I knew she could never be mine, and it was selfish of me to try and make her be attracted to me as I was to her.
It was selfish of me to try and make her like me as I did her.
To try and make her love me as I did her.

It was foolish. It is foolish and it always will be. Vampires and humans simply cannot pursue such relations. It's impossible. My instinct, along with her delicious scent, would drive me to madness if I couldn't bite her. If I couldn't end her life. If I couldn't turn her into a cold, frozen statue.

But this love that I felt for her could not be erased. I was too weak to back away now and protect her from my monstrous self. It was too late. I doubted I would last a week without her company. I had fallen into a deep rabbit hole of love which I could and would never get out of.

   I still couldn't believe it. Hadn't she been shivering, blushing, and stuttering, just now?Had I imagined the whole ordeal thanks to my wishful thinking? Or was she putting on an act because I'd left her? I dearly hoped she wasn't cross with me. If only she knew that if I'd stayed, I would've stolen away her precious life and soul. If only I could tell her...

A drunken Mike Newton's thought brought me back to reality. It was absolutely vulgar and grotesque.
"Sabrina looks so hot...Ugh, why is that weird pale-face always there to ruin everything? I bet I could've gotten her in my bed if he wasn't here. Well, it's worth a shot anyway. I can't wait to tell Eric what's under that blue blouse of hers."
I couldn't express how disgusted I was. Surely, Sabrina wouldn't just follow him? She had to be too smart for that!

Mike approached the table Sabrina was standing by. She was talking to Angela, who had recently gotten back from the dance floor, her back turned to Mike.
   "Hey, uh- Sabrina?" Mike asked hesitantly.
Sabrina turned around, and I anxiously watched through Mike's thoughts.
   "Oh, yes Mike?" Sabrina asked nonchalantly. Mike's eyes dragged down to her chest, and inevitably, mine did too.
"Soon enough, I'll rip that damn thing off her." he thought to himself, smirking.
He looked over at Angela, discreetly signaling her to leave. She got the message and quickly made up an excuse before getting up and departing. Sabrina looked back, confused, before turning to Mike once more and looking at him expectantly.
   "Well, uhm... See, I..." he sat down next to her. I clenched my fists at how close he was.
   "You look really pretty tonight," he said, smiling.
Sabrina's cheeks turned pink and she looked down, smiling, before muttering a 'thank you'.
Was she flustered? By that blonde idiot? No, she was simply flattered. Of course, she wasn't used to getting compliments.
   "I just wanted to ask..." he said, shuffling a little closer and touching her hand. Sabrina looked down at her fingertips touching his, her eyes widening slightly. She swallowed.
   "...If you wanted to come to my room later," he said in a low voice, his mouth approaching her ear.
   "Mike, I-you're with Jessica, and-" Sabrina said, backing away slightly.
   "Not anymore."
   "What? She broke up with you?" Sabrina asked.
   "No, I broke up with her." Mike said, offended. I couldn't help the smirk creeping up my face.
   "So," Mike shuffled closer yet again, "What do you say?"
   "I-we're young, and you just broke up with Jessica..." Sabrina said, trying to gently reject him.
   "But what if I hadn't? What if I never dated her? Then would you come?"
   "Mike, I-I'm flattered, of course, but-"
   "Come on, Sabrina. I know this is what you want. And you know it too, deep inside." Mike said, gently taking her chin.
   "I-" she started, but didn't finish. She didn't know what to say. At this point I wanted to slam that bastard into a wall.
Mike smirked and shuffled even closer to her, until she was against the wall. His lips brushed hers, which were firmly shut. He leaned in and kissed her, which she didn't respond to. She simply didn't move, as if frozen. His lips, however, sloppily kissed hers. He put his hands on her waist, and slowly moved them in different directions. One upwards, one downwards. Soon enough, he had a hand on her chest, and he reached for the first button of her blouse...
All of a sudden, Sabrina pushed him away. I sighed in relief. It was incredible how she was still gentle.
   "Mike!" she looked around, trying not to get attention. "Mike. Look, I-I'm sorry. I don't want to be mean or rude, but I just don't feel that way about you. And I'm loyal to my friend."
    "I-fine. Whatever." Mike said, before walking away like a stubborn child.
Sabrina looked around. Thankfully, the whole ordeal had happened in a dark corner, near the stairs, where no one had seen them. At least, almost no one.

Thinking back to it, Mike's thoughts whilst he kissed Sabrina made me feel a feeling I'd yet to feel so strongly; jealousy. I imagined myself in his place, only Sabrina did respond. I imagined that she loved me as I did her. Of course, I knew these were just fantasies which would never come true. Could never come true. But, a man can dream, as can a vampire.

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