1-A familiar face

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   I'd been having nightmares replaying the most traumatic moments in my life. Tonight's nightmare was from 3 years ago.
Before the battle.

  There were too many things that happened between then and now, including the most important.
After Harry had been murdered by Lord Voldemort after all these years, the cruel snake went back to his original goal from when he went as Tom Riddle; killing muggleborns. Or, as he liked to call us, mudbloods.

  Being one myself, I had to escape Hogwarts and leave much farther away.

   That is how I came to the decision of coming to Forks, Washington. It was situated in the United States of America; a small town, with no magic, no danger, and no reminders of Cedric, or Harry, or anyone. It was perfect.

I had lived in London for 6 years as a child, and then, my parents moved to Forks.
When I turned 11, I went to Hogwarts, so I hadn't been in the town much except for vacations and such.

   I sighed, getting out of bed. Here, school started in August by default, but I was entering late. It was almost October, and I was about to go through my first day at this muggle school. Halloween was nearing.

   I missed the Halloween feasts in the Great Hall. I missed the floating candles. I missed Nearly Headless Nick's complaints on how he couldn't get into the Headless Ghosts Clan. I missed Hagrid. I was even starting to miss Snape.

But he was dead now. Along with Harry. And Hermione. And Fred. And Cedric.


I still hadn't recovered from his tragic death, but I was used to it by now. He was gone for good and would never come back.

Well, enough of that.

I looked out the window. The sun was rising higher by the minute. I stepped out of bed and headed downstairs.

   Even though Dad insisted I do things the muggle way, I couldn't bring myself to it. Why brew eggs by hand when I can simply order my wand to do the job? I proceeded to spin it with even moments, preparing two omelettes, making one for dad.
I then grilled some toast and ate my share of food, heading up the steps to my room right after washing my plate thoroughly in the sink.

   Once in my bedroom, I changed out of my pyjamas and put a simple assortment of clothing on.
When I came downstairs, I took with me a small jacket, knowing I couldn't openly cast heating spells or anything related. I stepped out on the porch, feeling the crisp autumn air.

I stepped towards my orange truck, which I had gotten last year for my 16th birthday. Although I wasn't an expert driver, I had my permit, so I wasn't an outlaw yet. What a relief.

I turned the truck on, and it made a loud enough sound to make me jump in my seat. I hadn't heard my car's roaring in months.
Forks High School wasn't far, as this was a small town, so I drove at ease.

A few minutes later, I could see the plain copper coloured sign indicating the name of the establishment.

   Automobiles of all sorts were lining up in front of me, waiting to settle down and stop their engines. After a while, I drove up to a parking space and turned the engine off. I grabbed my backpack and made sure my wand was inside before stepping out of the brightly coloured vehicle.

I knew I had to go see the headmistress in an office of some kind, so I walked towards the entrance.

   Even the outside of the building had nothing in common with Hogwarts, except it's obvious function. The structure was square and plain, along with the windows and doors.

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