11-Mike Newton's fantasies

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Third Person

   The bright sun filtered through the transparent curtains hanging over the window, hiding the sleeping girl from the outside world. A golden warmth touched her porcelain skin, causing her eyes to crinkle. The infinite rays of sunshine penetrated her eyelids, and she turned her head away from the bright light. Suddenly, the girl's alarm clock emitted a blaring ringing sound, making her groan. The witch squinted her eyes open, reaching her hand out for the object which has so brutally woken her up. She then stood up from her sheets, walking over to her door. Her pale hand turned the doorknob as she left her chamber of comfort for the kitchen downstairs. Sabrina walked down the stairs casually, not paying any caution to the noise she made. She knew her father was off at work, for she had heard him mutter rather vulgar words about some murder case which he had been deeply invested in. The green-eyed girl took a pan out, as well as a few eggs, a fork, and her final utensil: a bowl. She cracked the eggs swiftly into the bowl, then scrambled them around with her fork until the mixture was of the same yellow colour everywhere. She then turned the stove on and put the pan onto it. She poured the mixture onto it and waited as it fried on both sides. When she finished, she used her wand to put everything back in order and took her filled plate to the dining table. She hated eating alone, although she was used to it by now. Her father had a busy schedule, saving lives and all. But at Hogwarts, Sabrina always ate with her friends. She recalled the humorous conversations they had, and Malfoy's poking. She missed it. She missed them.

Sabrina looked at her food and shook the gloomy thoughts away, nibbling at her scrambled eggs. Once she finished, she went upstairs to change, and decided on a basic combination. She had never cared for fashion. Nor did Hermione. At Hogwarts, they had to wear uniforms most of the time anyway, so the students didn't have much opportunity to care for Coco Chanel's speciality. She grabbed her bag before stuffing her wand into it, and headed downstairs for the door. She opened it, letting the crispy October air engulf her, breathing it in. The earlier bright and golden sun was now out of sight, hidden behind the thick fog circling the streets of the small town. This wasn't unusual at Forks. It was known for being foggy and dim, even in the Summer.  Sabrina walked over to her orange car and hopped in, turning the engine on and driving carefully to school. She had a permit, but not a license. And Sabrina had gotten accustomed to flying on broomsticks and apparating, although she had only recently passed her test.

The bright vehicle came into view, joining the numerous other cars and trucks. Sabrina parked her loud truck as soon as possible, not wanting to bring any additional attention to herself. She quickly got out, unaware of the piercing stare she was getting from Edward Cullen. He had been observing her a lot lately; he knew the truth about her. Or at least, the truth she was willing to let out to her father. His thoughts about the girl were interrupted by another's.   

Edward. Quit staring at that poor girl! The whole school noticed, even I can see that, and I don't read minds!

The vampire recognized the voice instantly, his sister Rosalie. He looked over at her, who was already glaring at him with her piercing eyes. He rolled his own and looked away, contenting himself by looking at Sabrina through others' thoughts. He watched as she quickly walked to the building, unknowingly earning flirty, longing stares from practically every boy around. He had the urge to slam each and everyone of them into a tree, but restrained himself. He couldn't go around ending people's lives.


   I usually was pretty skilled at blocking people's inner voices out of my own head, but this time, a certain one of them sounded pretty loud in comparison to the others. Loud and arrogant. Mike Newton was still fantasising about Sabrina, who had rejected him gently around a month ago, although he was dating her best friend, Jessica. She too did not find as much of an interest in her blonde boyfriend as she did in me. Countless times I had caught her staring at me and imagining unrealistic scenarios in her head, and she had grown quite jealous of Sabrina when everyone thought I had taken a liking for her. They were right, of course. I had taken much more than a liking for the sweet girl, and the fact that sensing her blood wasn't painful to me made it even better. Maybe it was because she didn't have exactly human blood? She was a witch, an enchantress, after all. There had to be a line drawn between humans and wizards. But whatever the reason, I didn't grow thirsty at the smell of her blood compared to humans'. I loved her for who she was. But I could never put her in such danger. And besides, if she wasn't fully human, maybe she really didn't succumb to my charms at all. All the other girls did, I had even heard a few vulgar thoughts coming from men. I wasn't a homosexual, unfortunately for them.

A rather large, selfish part of me wished dearly I could charm Sabrina, while another, reasonable and sensible part, scolded myself for even thinking of that. I wished i was human more than anything I had ever wished for.

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