16-New Waters

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The colourful lights flashed around the entire room filled with delinquent adolescents. Following the drunk girl incident, I'd heard a number far too large of vulgar thoughts about me being thought and elaborated by a vast amount of teenage girls who had consumed too much alcohol.

I was still holding my breath, for something about the air made Sabrina's blood seem much more enticing than it was before. I had no clue as to why. Could she have cast some spell which would've made her blood smell better? Did she suspect my true nature? Suddenly, I started getting anxious. Did she know I was a vampire?

After a short while of nervous thoughts, I came to the conclusion that she couldn't know anything of the sort about me. But the change in her scent made me curious nonetheless.

I probably looked quite lonely, standing here in the middle of a party, but I didn't mind. With the years, decades, even, I'd learned not to mind what people thought. My gift would undeniably let me hear things I did not wish to hear.

I decided I couldn't hold my breath in much longer, so I quietly walked out onto the porch. However, the sickeningly sweet smell did not go away. It was then I realised that Sabrina was also outside. She stood on the wooden porch, her back towards me. The cool, autumn air joined to her scent was absolutely heavenly. It took me much restraint not to bite her neck right then and there. She must've heard the door open and looked back, and once again, our eyes met. Two shining emeralds gazed upon my (I could only hope) golden irises. I allowed myself the luxury of breathing in, feeling the painful feeling in my throat rise up by the second.
"Hi," she said after a moment, awkwardly looking away. I slightly smirked at this.
"Hi," I responded. I decided if I wanted her to start thinking of me as I thought of her, I'd have to somehow... seduce her. God, that sounded wrong.

I took a few steps towards her, partly to proceed with my plan, and partly to (selfishly) take in more of her scent.
"So, why aren't you inside?" I asked, using a mystically amplified voice which flustered any girl I'd use it with when talking to her. I grinned a lopsided smile when I heard her heart beat three times its previous rate and heard her let out a shaky breath which a human wouldn't be able to hear.
"Oh, erm," she swallowed, making my smirk grow wider, "I just came out for some fresh air. It was getting a little hot inside."
   "I agree. It always gets quite hot at parties," I answered smoothly.
   "Er, right," she said, her heart still beating at an alarming pace, "From what I heard, you're not terribly social..." she started, then stopped.
   "Well, I-I meant that I didn't think you'd come to a party," she mustered, and I could smell the blood rushing to her face. She looked back at me, swallowing once more.
   "Don't worry, I know what you mean," I said in a low voice, earning a small shudder which could almost go unnoticed. She nodded and awkwardly turned back.
It seemed I was flustering her. I grinned a small smile as this thought crossed my mind.

After a few seconds of silence, Sabrina decided to break it.
   "Erm, thanks for inviting me," she said, still looking ahead.
    "Oh, it's nothing," I chuckled, "Mike wanted to invite many people."
I sensed her cheeks glow red...in embarrassment? But why?
   "Right. Of course," she let out an embarrassed laugh. A victory smirk made its way onto my features.
   "Would you like... a drink?" I asked, testing new waters. I didn't know how much she knew of me, or what she even thought of me.
   "Oh, erm..." she hesitated, "Yeah, sure," she finally said. She looked back at me, smiling nervously. She looked beautiful under the moonlight. Her skin seemed to almost glow.

I smiled once more before walking back in, a grin on my face. I couldn't not grin.
I walked over to the drinks table and chose a beverage I thought she'd like. Before leaving again, I felt stares directed at me. I knew everyone was watching. After all, who was Edward Cullen, the school hearthrob (in the most modest way possible) bringing a drink to?

I walked out the door, blocking their minds out, before giving Sabrina her drink. She was standing quite awkwardly.
   "Here," I pronounced in the most attractive voice I could muster.
   "Thanks," she said brisky before taking the drink and turning around. She shivered once more. I grinned; it was working.

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