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I could see the copper-coloured sign indicating I had arrived at Forks High School.

Whilst I ventured out of my car, I was pondering of yesterday, when Edward had saved me. I still didn't know how he had known I was there, but I was glad he had been. I shuddered at the thought of what would've happened if I had been left alone.

Dropping that thought, I recalled when, the night prior, I looked back at the photograph of the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and I from 1st year. Life was so much easier back then.

Harry was alive.
Fred was alive.
Hedwig, Snape, Lupin, Tonks. They were all alive.

I didn't even know Cedric back then.

I didn't even know the pain his death would cause me in a few years' time.

   I shook the thought away as I walked to my first class: English. Eric followed me around in the hall. I was thankful I wasn't sitting near him.

I then had French class, which I wasn't really good at. I sat next to Jessica in that class, and then, I had Biology.
With Cedric.
With Edward.

   I walked up to the widely open door and walked inside, feeling eyes on me. I went to my desk and sat my books down.

I could feel his piercing gaze on me. I didn't dare make eye contact, keeping my eyes on my books.

   "Hi," he finally said.

   "Hey," I replied, still looking away.

After a pause, he said, "You like biology?"

I looked at him, but as soon as his eyes met mine I looked away.

To be honest, I hadn't the slightest of what biology really was, except for what Dad had taught me.

   "Um, not really," I decided it best not to mention I had no idea what the teacher was talking about most of the time.

   "And you?" I decided to continue the small talk.
He slightly smiled at my response. Did he want me to talk to him?

   "It's kind of easy to me."

I nodded in response.

   "So you're from London?" he continued.

I looked at him then, holding the gaze for a little longer, and answered.


   "Why did you move?"

I couldn't tell the truth.
Not even Dad knew the full truth.
Only me.

   "I wanted to spend more time with my dad," I quickly said. Lied.

He nodded, not looking away.

He hadn't asked about my mother, but seeing as how the small this town was, I assumed he knew that she had died a few years before I had started attending Hogwarts.

   The bell rang and I started packing up my books.

"Sabrina! Come!" Eric said loudly from the other side of the classroom.

I sighed as I walked up to him.

We waited for Leo and, when he came, we left the classroom.

   A few muggle classes later, the bell sang its loud song again, indicating lunch time.

I got up from my seat with Jessica by my side as we walked out of the classroom and down the stairs.

   "Soo...got your eye on anyone?" She said suggestively.

   "No, you?"

The truth is, I hadn't had my eye on anyone since Cedric's death. He was incomparable. And, to be honest, I was still quite in love with him. Too much to find someone new.

   Focusing back on Jessica, I heard her say—

   "And so yeah, I don't know if he's gonna ask me out. Do you think he will?"

I had no idea who she was talking about.

   "Yeah, of course," I responded with enthusiasm.
She beamed at the answer.

She searched me with a long gaze through her dark orbs, and I looked away.

   "Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked, leaning into me.

   "What? No, I said—"

   "You do! I know you do! I can see it in your eyes," she interrupted, smirking devilishly.

   "No, I really don't," I laughed.

   "Hmm... Whatever helps you sleep at night," she answered suspiciously as we made our way to the lunch table.

We Meet Again(Cedric/Edward)Where stories live. Discover now