13-Convincing Mike

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   It had been a few hours since lunchtime, when I'd told Sabrina she could come to a party my "friend" was hosting. The problem was, I told her it was at Mike's house, who definitely wasn't my friend. But I couldn't go back in time; I had to convince him to plan this party and let me come. As soon as the French class I was in would end, I would ask him. My next class was Biology anyway, so I'd have to see him.
   Soon enough, the bell rang and I swiftly stood up and walked out of the room before bolting up the stairs to the floor my Biology class was on. I was the first in line, and, soon enough, more people came crowding in. Eventually Sabrina did too, as always, unaware of the inappropriate fantasies practically every boy around was thinking of. I couldn't believe she didn't have a boyfriend. But from Leo's visions... she seemed sad about a certain Cedric's death. The adolescent who looked like me. I stopped dwelling on that and turned to Mike. I approached him smoothly, at a normal pace. His back was turned on me, so he didn't know I was there, but he heard the footsteps soon enough and turned around. Although his face was neutral, all I could hear was a "What does he want?" and an internal scowl.
   "Hello, Mike."
   "Uh, hey Edward."
   "I was wondering...Do you like partying?"
"Partying? Maybe this guy isn't that weird after all!"
   "I mean, yeah," he said, keeping composed.
   "Do you ever host any parties?"
"Is he trying to get a free invite?"
   "I mean...yeah,"
   "Look, I was thinking...I had a party planned with a friend, but he had to cancel. Do you know anyone who can host a party this Friday?"
"I gotta get on his good side! And maybe he's not that much of a weirdo after all"
   "I mean, I could host it at my place, but you're in charge of inviting people,"
   "Okay, sounds good," I answered, smiling. This was perfect. I then walked over to the line and soon enough into the class.

I sat at my desk and waited for what seemed like half an hour before Sabrina came and sat next to me. I didn't look at her directly, but observed her through others' eyes. She was reading an old, worn book. I turned to her and admired her perfect features. The way her emerald eyes followed the indecipherable letters and her heart-shaped lips pressed firmly against each-other, whilst her long, dark locks framed her face perfectly. I flew out of my trance and decided to spark a conversation.
   "What are you reading?" she turned to me, then to her book.
   "Oh, just a classic British fairytale," she said, stuffing the volume into her bag. 
I nodded and smiled, keep cool, I thought to myself. Just then, the teacher started discussing a subject I didn't bother listening to. I had graduated numerous times already, so I already knew everything. Besides, if I didn't, I could simply read his mind.

I mentally scrolled around everyone's thoughts, scanning through them. Mike was thinking about the party and how cool he considered himself for having me come. I subtly smirked at this. Eric was thinking of asking a girl out, Lydia Jackson. He realised half the school was interested in Sabrina, and decided he didn't have a chance. Especially against me. Jessica was thinking rude and jealous thoughts towards her green-eyed friend. She then turned her gaze to me and as soon as I saw her start imagining us kissing, I switched to someone else's mind. Leo Blythe.

He was still thinking about the nightmares and visions. He'd been having them ever since Sabrina came to the school, and he was getting exhausted. His complexion seemed paler and his usually bright eyes now looked dim, along with the heavy eye bags under them. He really did look...dead.
I don't know what's up with that girl, but I don't even care if she's cute anymore. Is she the one doing this? I haven't been sleeping for weeks! But noone else seems to be affected as much as me. Maybe I'm sick and hallucinating? I hate this, god.
I had gradually started feeling sorry for him. He didn't know what he was seeing most of the time, nor how to stop it. I saw from his mind he took a glance at Sabrina, who had her right side turned to him. Suddenly, another vision appeared. I eagerly watched what happened in this one.
Everything was blurry at first, like some sort of fog. It quickly diminished and left room for the scene unfolding before me.
It was some sort of hall with stone stairs, only it looked more like the ruins of a castle. There was no light, the place was silent, but not in a good way. There were four people, one stood alone. I made out Sabrina's face among the three others. Her face was scarred and cut, and her usually twinkling eyes were now dim and sad. Next to her stood what seemed to be a couple. A girl with brown, bushy hair and a redheaded boy with freckles. They stood close to each-other, as though scared if they let go, they'd never see each-other again. As if they were on the brink of death.
Facing them stood a young man, seemingly around 18 or 19 years old. His hair was dark and messy, whilst his eyes were green and bright.
There were vague voices coming from these peoples' mouthes, all gloomy. The black-haired boy said something, evident pain in his eyes, when suddenly, Sabrina said,
"I'll go with you!" she said it loud enough for me and Leo to hear.
The boy with black hair said something inaudible, the same agony in his eyes. Sabrina looked back at him, not saying a word, when she suddenly threw herself onto him and wrapped her arms around his body. When she pulled away, long, silver tears ran down her cheeks. The couple had similar expressions; the brunette girl was on the brink of tears. The red-headed boy, whoever, was not. His eyes seemed dim and dark, and he had heavy bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted.
All was silent, and then the black-haired boy slowly stepped down the marble stairs as his three friends watched.

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