7-Leo's dreams

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Ever since I had met Edward Cullen, I had been having these weird dreams.
But in those dreams, he looked different; less pale, and somehow... more human.

And now, ever since I laid eyes on Sabrina Jones, she was always in those dreams too.
I didn't understand. Were they real? Why was I having them? I tried to stop them, but I couldn't. I wanted to figure her out. Why was she having this effect on me? Why was Edward having this effect on me? Had she done something to me? Was I going crazy?
I sure hoped not.

She was sitting two tables away from mine, scribbling away in her notebook. Probably schoolwork.

I had to admit the consistant male attention she was getting was quite justified; she was undeniably beautiful. I didn't want to ask her out, though. Not yet, anyway. I barely knew her, and she barely knew me, and I knew she wasn't a kind of person to judge entirely based off looks. Neither was I, for that matter.

The bell rang, and I stood up, packing my things. I looked over to Sabrina—she was already headed out the door.

My first class today was English, with Sabrina. I walked out of the library and ran to the next floor, bolting towards the classroom. When I came in, she was already there, sitting on her desk. She was taking her books out of her bag.
I sat in front of her and turned to face her.

She looked up and whispered a quiet, "Hey."

I smiled back and replied with the same word. She was opening up to me slowly.

"So, you like English?"

"Well, I'm good at it. Might save my report card."
She then realised what she said, and avoided my gaze.

"Save your report card? Are you that bad at all your other classes?"

"Er, I'm not great at Biology," she quickly said, seemingly avoiding the subject.

I didn't keep talking about it. Nor did I mention my dreams. If I did, she would definitely think I was some creepy stalker, and I didn't want to ruin whatever this was.

We had a few small interactions during class, and then the bell rang, dismissing us. I stood up and waited for her.

She put her books away and closed her backpack. When she looked up, she seemed surprised. I guessed she didn't expect anyone to wait for her. She smiled shyly and walked next to me to French.

After that class, I had Biology with Sabrina, Eric, and Mike. Oh, and her new admirer: Edward. I couldn't believe he was even looking at a girl. He had never done so for years. Eric and Mike often talked bad about him simply for his interest in the British girl. I couldn't blame him, but many pretty girls had crossed his path before, yet he had never paid them any attention.

I was sitting next to Mike, and he was watching with rage as Sabrina sat next to Edward, who was looking at her the whole time.

She looked up to him. She probably said something amusing, because I saw his lips move and a smile curl up on his face. She turned back to her books, probably after acknowledging him silently, rather than with words. Edward frowned at this. Mike noticed, too, because he whispered into my ear with an irritated tone, "Finally a girl who's not all about Edward! He's such a freak!"

For a second, I thought I saw the pale boy in question frown once more, in Mike's direction, as if he had heard him, but he instantly turned back after the thought crossed my mind.

"I don't know, Mike, but give it a shot! I mean, you never know what she could want."

He smiled confidently and went back to watching Sabrina. I rolled my eyes at this and turned to my own books.


Mike Newton's thoughts were extremely difficult to ignore. I tried to seem as indifferent as I could, although it was a challenge. He looked at her like she was a prize to win, to prove all the other boys that he got her.

I saw the pain and scars she had. But then again, I couldn't really give myself credit for that, since the only way I knew this about her was because I watched her sleep.

But nevertheless, these boys didn't deserve her! She deserved someone who truly loved her, and who she truly loved back.

I turned to my books as I realised from others' minds that I had been staring at her. While Mike Newton's thoughts were quite grotesque, his friend Leo's weren't half as bad. Sure, he thought Sabrina was beautiful, but he didn't hate me, only found it curious that I had suddenly found an interest in a girl. I heard him think in the library that he didn't want to ask her out before knowing her, nor did he have any particular intentions. The other boys, however, seemed to think they were much better than I was, and that they would all get Sabrina. But I had natural charms—all girls, at first at least, fell under them.

Well, all girls except Sabrina.

Maybe it was because I couldn't hear her thoughts, but she had ignored me a few times before, making Newton cackle. I didn't know why she didn't swoon over me like the other girls did. She never talked about me at lunch, nor at home. I didn't know why I cared, but I did.

The bell rang, indicating lunch time. Sabrina got up and headed to Mike and Leo's table. I couldn't ask her about her scar because she did a good job hiding it, and Forks was quite a cold place; she wouldn't have to wear short sleeves for a while.

I wanted to unravel the mysteries about her. Who Cedric was, what was that scar on her arm, and who were the people in her photo album?

I was walking down to the cafeteria, and, soon enough, my body was right in front of the glass door. I came inside and sat at my usual table, where my siblings were already talking. As I sat down, I looked at Sabrina through Jessica's thoughts. No one could know I was looking at her this way.

I really hope Mike asks me out soon. Sabrina said he would yesterday, I hope she's right. But she's only ever had one boyfriend...

Jessica had had a crush on Mike for a while now. I didn't understand what she saw in him, but it didn't matter to me.

I kept scanning through Jessica's mind, observing Sabrina's every action. Sabrina was sitting between Jessica and Mike, who was eager to ask her out.

"Hey, Sabrina-" he started. I clenched my fists, awaiting her answer to his obvious question.

"Since you're new and all, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies this weekend?"

Jessica internally raged and prayed for the British girl to refuse him. Sabrina turned to Jessica, who subtly shook her head, and Sabrina turned back to Mike.

"Oh, er... I'm busy this weekend, Mike, but I'm sure you can ask someone else for company."

She probably made that up to save him from embarrassment. She didn't want to go with him. Or maybe she did, but only refused out of loyalty to her friend.

Mike wasn't as disappointed as I thought he would be: he thought about Jessica, and decided to ask her after lunch. I knew she wouldn't refuse.

I switched to Leo's mind, where I saw he was still thinking about his peculiar dreams.

Edward and Sabrina are always in them. And Edward looks different, always wearing a yellow tie...

I had a bad feeling about this, because Leo was no stalker. He didn't want those dreams. He didn't understand the cause of them, and neither did I. If he didn't know where the dreams came from, how could I?

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