12-Last Minute Party

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   The day was a dull one, as usual. That was why my family and I moved here in the first place. We needed a place where we didn't have to hide, and we had found it.
I was sitting in the cafeteria, scanning through everyone's thoughts, when a certain one caught my eye-or uh, my ear, I suppose. Leo Blythe had a particularly strange vision.
A rather drastic image was seemingly printed into his memory: it was a room. A dark room, a rather luxurious one at that, with elegant windows and furniture. But nearly all of it was black, for the curtains were drawn, blocking out any type of natural light source. The room was large, and people were in it. I realised that Sabrina was in it. And some others too.
There was a woman dressed in all black, with wild black curls and dark, evil eyes. She was speaking, laughing even. But I couldn't hear why, for the whole scene was quite vague.
The woman suddenly held Sabrina down onto the floor, getting over her, and took her wand out. I still fet strange saying that.
She used it to magically carve dark, red marks onto the girl's porcelain arm. There it was. The wordmudblood. Sabrina's screams were horrifying, and even though the memory wasn't entirely clear, I could make out another person, lying on the polished black floor in the background. A girl. Her body was completely still, with no movements of breathing seen. She was dead.

The vision became more and more blurred, until at last nothing of it was left, and Leo was left even more confused, so was I.
What was a mudblood? It was clear it was some sort of derogatory term- but what it meant I did not know. The boy glanced over at Sabrina, who had been haunting his dreams recently. She looked extremely normal. She clearly didn't know of the visions Leo was having, for she had lived through them. I heard Leo notice her features.
She is pretty, gotta admit. But since Edward has a crush on her, I probably don't stand a chance. She doesn't seem to be swooning over him just like all the other girls do.  Maybe he's getting old and his charms are disappearing? Haha, I should say that to Mike, he'll laugh for sure!
I felt my eyebrows slightly frown at this, but I knew he only wanted to tell that joke to Mike to be more likeable to that blonde baby-faced boy.  I had never understood the feeling of wanting someone to enjoy your company as much as you enjoy theirs before I met Sabrina. I decided today was the day I would try to purposefully use my charms on her and maybe ask her out? But if she was a witch, she was probably immune to my vampire enhancement. Then again, even without it, I knew I was a handsome guy, I wasn't bad looking, if that doesn't sound too vain.
Mike was now going out with Jessica, but neither of them were actually interested in each other. I kept seeing myself in disturbing fantasies involving Jessica and kissing, and my fists would clench every time I saw Mike's thoughts about Sabrina. I simply wondered how long their relationship would last. Mike wasn't stupid. Well, not entirely at least. He knew Sabrina wasn't interested, but he also kept making regular snarky comments on how she didn't seem to find an interest in me either.

   That was it. I was going to ask her out. Now.
I wasn't nervous, and didn't doubt her answer. How could she refuse me? I was handsome and, well, that was pretty much all she knew about me. Much less than I knew about her. But I decided on asking her to the movies, since that seemed like something humans did. Those always bored me though; they were extremely slow paced, but I couldn't very well ask her out to run with me. That would be painfully slow too.
I threw a glance over at Alice, and saw in her mind she knew what I was about to do. She threw a knowing glance at me, and turned back to her conversation with Jasper and the others.
I then stood up, much to the surprise of Rosalie , Emmett, and a few people in the cafeteria; although they didn't show it. I walked over to Jessica's table, and noticed Mike start thinking bad things about me. I smoothly made my way to the table, and I was now halfway through the cafeteria. I knew Jessica had whispered to Sabrina that I was coming and told her not to turn around, and she didn't. When I finally came up to her table after what felt like hours of human-speed walking, I was right behind Sabrina, and saw from Jessica's mind that on her face utter confusion and surprise was written all over it.
   "Sabrina," I said in a low voice which I knew already had Jessica swooning all over me mentally, but I saw once again from her mind, that Sabrina's expression had barely changed.
She turned around and her face was completely different; composed and natural. I internally laughed at this, and then remembered I had a mission to complete.
   "Er... Yea?" she answered with her slight accent, and I knew I couldn't ask her out in front of Mike.
   "Could I talk to you?" I asked, already knowing that I would have to add the classic "privately". Her face was expectant, waiting for me to do just that—talk to her.
   "Privately," I added, making her eyebrows slightly frown and then nod. She turned around to push her chair in, and I saw from Jessica's quite useful, in this instance, mind, that Sabrina had once again wide eyes and eyebrows raised, but once she turned to me her face was completely composed. I started slowly stepping away, hoping she would get the hint, and she did. I stepped out of the cafeteria door soon enough, and she too. I knew the whole cafeteria was watching.
   "So, you're Sabrina," I said, in a voice which had flustered even eighty year olds.
   "Yeah, I am..." she said, looking to the side. She wasn't flustered. It wasn't working. What if she refused me? No. No no no. She would never refuse me, out of sheer good manners! And then she'd find out how I am as a person, and she would like me too! Perfect plan.
   "Well, I was just wondering... Are you free this Friday?" I waited calmly for her words, as she seemed to trail off mentally to another world, her old world of magic and wizardry. I wished deeply I could read her mind at that moment.
   "Yeah..." she said hesitantly. She obviously knew where this was going. Maybe she didn't want to go? No, that couldn't possibly be it. I decided last minute to not ask her out before she knew me. To her, I was just a person you cross in the hallways. She didn't know a thing about me and I didn't know a thing about her. Well, in her mind, at least.
   "Look, my friends and I are going to a party, and I wondered if you'd like to come,"
She looked surprised, either at the fact I didn't ask her out or at the fact I was inviting her.
   "Oh, erm, yeah, sure," she said, before adding, "Should I bring some people too, or is too crowded?"
   "Oh, bring whoever you like. It's at this address, here," I quickly jotted down Mike Newton's address, too fast for a human's vision, and passed it to her. She smiled.
   "Well, I best be going, but thank you for the invitation," she said and slowly walked off, as if in case I wanted to stop her, until she turned around completely and walked up to her table.
That was a good decision.
Now, how do I convince Mike Newton to host a party at his place and convince him to let me come?

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