24-The Last Day of the Month

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   As had everyone else, I had gotten invited to the school's annual Halloween celebration. Although it was recommended to wear a costume, many, including myself, did not—I was too old (110 years, to be precise) to be dressed up as anything other than myself. And besides, I already was a monster.

Despite this, I always attended, for I found it amusing to marvel at silly humans drinking unlimited amounts of alcohol in ridiculous costumes.

I had seen—through Leo's generous mind—what had come of the date with Tyler and Sabrina. I had seen the shining tears well up in her eyes, as Leo had. Being a witness to the scene alone made me feel an overwhelming sense of guilt wash through me. But, alas, there was nothing to be done either way; it had happened.

The final day of October was coming up in four meek days—and I was looking forward to it, though I would never admit it—even not to myself.

Both pairs of days went by as usual—Sabrina had actually glanced at me for six seconds; her deep, emerald irises flattered me with their attentions, and, before I had realised how rapidly time passed on a human scale, it was Saturday, October 31st.

I stood in front of the tall, spacious school gymnasium for some moments before gliding into the entrance and through the columns which supported the roof. The interior reminded me of Mike Mewton's recent party.
I shall refrain from going into too much detail. The multicoloured lights flickered, the students danced and drunk, and the buffet was filled with inexpensive, low-quality nourishments such as potato chips, popcorn and so on.
The smell revolted me. I thought to myself—"Maybe I shouldn't have come after all." but, nonetheless, remained in the corner I had decided to stand in. I was subconsciously waiting for Sabrina's arrival en scène, for I knew that the mere sight of her would revive in me a feeling I had thought long extinguished—and most likely it had been so for the best.
And when she finally did come in, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her person—the scent which was projected to me made me immediately turn my head to its source; of course, it was Sabrina. I still had yet to figure out why she had suddenly started smelling so deliciously sweet.
Not only her fragrance was ravishing, but her appearance as well. She wore a short-sleeved black blouse which fitted her to perfection, and an elegantly dark pair of pants—which also were the perfect fit. Granted, it wasn't a fashionable choice, but my drugged eyes didn't mind; today's fashions didn't please me anyway, and she looked beautiful in anything she wore, because her face was her real source of radiance.
Her pale complexion complemented her pink lips perfectly. Her green orbs flicked around, covered with long, dark lashes. Her wavy, chocolate locks curled naturally at the ends and looked both tangled and classy at once. In short, she was easily the most beautiful girl in the room.
Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one to notice that.
I tried blocking all of the boys' surrounding me thoughts out of my mind, and almost succeeded. It was difficult to pay no attention to, when they were right there and exposed, for me to read.

Time passes quickly when one is enjoying himself. And so it did for me—surprisingly. For I was amusing myself by observing my surroundings, including Sabrina.
She and her friends had been discussing matters of no importance to me, when Leo came up closer to her and asked—
"Hey, uh, wanna dance?"
He was visibly nervous.
Sabrina's eyebrows raised and she stammered out—
"Oh, erm, yeah-yeah, sure."
Then, Leo's bony hand touched her delicate one, and I felt the pang of electricity in his mind at that instant; it was almost as if I were the one in his place.
I proceeded to clench my jaw and stare at them groggily—I most likely seemed like I was sulking, which, in truth, I was.
And so I saw the flustered thoughts which swirled around Leo's mind, whose subject was always Sabrina. She, undoubtedly, also felt flustered, judging by the pink taint her usually pale cheeks had taken.
They danced awkwardly for a few moments, and, honestly, it was comical. I had to restrain myself from laughing.
Thankfully, (not so thankfully for me) Leo's thoughts brought me back to what essentially was happening, and my jealousy rose. I felt like a roaring monster, eager to jump out, rising in my throat. And Sabrina's blissful odour didn't help either.
I decided that, for once, I would leave early. I had vowed to myself I wouldn't let my foolish, schoolboy fantasies get the best of me—and I was determined to keep that vow. Sabrina deserved better than me, anyway. Leo was kind, loyal, funny, and—although a human—attractive. Despite my trying to convince myself of his goodness, I felt he wasn't quite up to her standard. Sabrina deserved someone who would love her unconditionally, who would cherish her, be kind to her. Not only that, but also someone who was at her level in terms of power. She was a strong, intelligent person who had endured numerous hardships. A simple town boy such as Leo could never hold such a weight on his shoulders.

It turns out I was wrong.

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