Chapter 2

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Jiang fengmian an emperor who loved his kingdom and it's people along his wife, children, right man, sister and his nephew. Was famous for his gentle nature. Many wonder how on earth he tamed his wife when his wife was the most wildest and aggressive lady out there. The secret is.... He just loved her. Yes there's a history that he really fell in love with his right man's wife cangse sanren. But when he met yu ziyuan from the minor kingdom of yu he immediately courted her. The two got married and had 2 children.

Yu ziyuan who was very known as the purple spider was feared by many due to her strict and aggressive nature. But who knew she was tamed and loved the gentle emperor of jiang kingdom. She knew that her husband used to love her best friend, cangse sanren but she leaves that past. She married him and had 2 children with him. The two of them had a harmonious relationship and it was very great. And her best friend....

Cangse sanren... A very famous swordswoman. Who came from the direct lineage of the Sanren clan. A clan that was famous because of her mother. Boashan Sanren. Back in her youthful days she was a very beautiful woman who have a lot of men in line just to ask for her hand. A very wild woman who is shameless, unruly and curious person. A huge prankster they can say . There's a story where she was almost executed by the prince of lan,  lan qiren because she cut his beard due to retaliation. She only did this because her best friends and her husband were in danger back then that they almost got killed. Nevertheless she fall so hard to changze that she was the one who shouted and propose to changze before in the public. They married shortly after she propose to him. She loved him so much that their love burn so bright. Her husband thanked her for giving birth to their son that made him so happy. Yes... Their life was so happy but.... Why are they having hard time right now?

"now now please calm down a-ying and let mama sleep please?  Can you let your mother cut some slack? Your father will be here sooner so please stop crying" she begged while rocking her baby. Beside her was her sister/ best friend yu ziyuan who was also struggling the same thing. Both of them are already experienced on taking care a baby most especially with yu ziyuan first born baby,  princess jiang yanli. Unlike yanli,  baby wei ying and baby jiang cheng were so loud and won't let their mother rest. They wanted their father so both of them cried so loud.

The emperor and his right man wei changze are in special meeting leaving their wives and the nannies in vain. They don't have any choice it's a meeting between kingdoms and they can't do anything with it. Few months ago another heir was born in the kingdom of lan. The kingdom of lan also celebrated but not loud as the jiangs did.

The two came home spotting their wives in distress with their babies in their wives' hand ticking and singing their babies in sleep but failed later. Changze first approach his wife giving her kisses in her forehead and taking their baby in her hand and calming their baby which it was successful. Cangse pouted and changze smiled at her. Fengmian did the same thing to his wife and at last the palace didn't became so loud with baby cries.

Years passed by wei ying, jiang cheng and jiang yanli grew up together. They became more mischievous and loud. They would play around the palace halls or gardens with their mothers, nannies, maids, servants and guards chasing them around. The adults can't still find the answer on how the 3 children would escape to their chase when almost everyone in the palace helped out on chasing them.

By the age of 7 jiang Chen and wei ying started to learn how to use swords and how to defend their kingdoms. Yanli being the only princess in the kingdom began to learn the proper princess etiquette she was helped by her mother, empress yu ziyuan and her auntie cangse. Royal life can be busy and they barely had the time for the whole family. Their duties are random and always full in schedules mostly the emperor, and his righthand man. Even so,  they still find the time to spend with each other.

As the princes and princess grew up they start to learn a lot of things. Jiang cheng who is now a crown prince and helping his father in royal duties, yanli who was engaged to the crown prince of the empire of jin and lastly wei ying being the youngest knight there saving countless damsels in distress. The three became famous and known as the 3 lotuses of jiang kingdom.

Jiang cheng became a crown prince at the age of 7 , yanli was engaged by Jin zixuan at the age of 11 and wei ying who became the youngest general in such a young age of 14. Many underestimate wei ying of becoming as the general to the fact that he became one at 14 years old. So he have to prove it.  During at work he never called his parents ,uncle and auntie by their names but in their title.

The jiang kingdom raised 3 powerful children that will be soon feared by the whole kingdom. They are already famous in such a young age and many kings and queens wanted to meet them.

During one of the swordsman practice:

"MAKE YOUR POSTURE SOLID, DONT LET THE ENEMY OVERPOWER YOU. FOCUS ON YOUR OPPONENT......HEY YOU THERE AT THE BACK FIX YOUR STUNTS PROPERLY" wei ying shouted while supervising the other knights. He was already 15 years old this time. "a-xian" a gentle voice was heard as he turned his back he saw his sister and signalled the knights to stop and vow down. He also bowed down and greeted yanli. "general wei wuxian greets her highness princess yanli"

Yanli giggled and said "arise everyone and I would like to talk to a-xian for awhile " the soldiers bowed down and left the place leaving yanli and wei ying alone. "so what do you wanna say shijie? " wei ying asked "father actually wanted you to check the yiling and patrol their alone. Uncle was suppose to ask some escort to help you but.  .." "I can do it alone" wei ying cut her off but with respect.

Later wei ying went to yiling alone and saw a group of beggar living in the streets. He roamed the streets of the whole kingdom of jiang and never even saw the faces of the beggars once. He secretly followed the lady and saw elders, women, and children living in the dirty streets of jiang. He called some soldiers and took all the beggars in the palace where he presented them to the emperor. He begged the emperor to let them lived in the lands of yiling where they will settle down there as a small clan and in return they will help the kingdom. An old woman agreed to wei ying and thanked him. Jiang fengmian saw the potential of the beggars and grant his nephew's wish. Everyone joyed to the news and let them be. And so the beggars lived in the fields of yiling.

Wei ying took one girl and one boy to be his friend that will stay with him. Theure wen ning and wen qing. Since wei ying said to his uncle that they're wens fengmian told wei ying that it will be wei ying who will be in charge of them.

Wen qing became a great Doctor Who also specialize in needle assassination and wen ning became a lieutenant and became the best archer second to wei ying and jiang cheng. The three of them became very close to each other. Soon cangse and changze welcomed wen ning and wen qing to the family as new members.  Oh how great the life in jiang kingdom was.

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