Chapter 16

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Days may have passed by and lan wangji stayed to the island made them a nice shed and bed to be lay on using leaves, a campfire to keep them warm, some food but he found was meat and fruits that he knows and luckily when he was wondering around the island he saw a spring that gave them water.  Since he was wearing his lavish robes, he used them as blankets for everyone and maybe rip some for the injuries making it a bandage.

Any matter wasn't the first priority of lan wangji it was his lover who he made it as his first priority. And there his lover began to woke up and so does the others. Xue yang who didn't have any left arm anymore, xiao xingchen can't see anything, song lan who can't properly speak, qing who was partially blind and for wei wuxian.

"who are you all? Who am I? " he questioned, leading for him to have a memory loss.  Lan wangji can't believe it, his lover was alive, wei wuxian looked at him again and gently asked "who are you sir? " with no patience he has left he immediately hugged wei wuxian tightly. 

"I missed you wei ying I'm lan zhan your husband please don't forget wei ying " lan wangji said emotionally. Thankfully the others didn't suffer to any memory loss like wei wuxian did but they're already are disable people who have missing parts in their body. 

"GOD DAMN IT CURSE THIS I CANT SEE MUCH SHIT" qing curse as she bump to a tree for the 6th time. Lan wangji have her a pole to use and so does with xiao xingchen also. Unlike qing who was impatient xiao xingchen was quiet and used the pole properly tapping his surroundings and began to explore. He wasn't that much used for being total blind but he used his hearing to tell which direction he went. 

Song lan began to write in the sands just to say what he want, he began to think of more symbols to say what wanted to tell. With no much voice he was having a hard time to communicate with the others who have voices. And lastly xue yang who didn't have his other hand began to train how to use his one arm only. He decided to use his mouth also but he mainly used his right hand. Taking a stick he began to sway it and does a sword formation where he sometimes loses his balance.

Lan wangji let them do what they want as he hunt for food for them. Taking down a boar he went back with some fruits to take in the way and twigs and leaves to get for extra fire. He came back with everyone still getting used to their disability and wei wuxian sat there doing nothing.  Seeung his husband came back with a boar and some other things in hand wei wuxian stood up and help his husband.

"husband is great at hunting where did you learn that? " wei wuxian asked. "wei ying taught me before " lan wangji replied as he remembers the times where he broke couple of rules with wei wuxian. 

Back in cloud recess before with lan wangji and wei wuxian :

"ah you're doing it wrong lan zhan you should use your sword like this" he took his sword and used it as a trajectory weapon and aimed at the bird piercing it's whole body with the sword that wei wuxian used.  Wei wuxian went to the bird fully dead and he smiled. "I caught it now it's your turn lan zhan" he looked at his lover. 

Lan wangji was determined and nodded he spotted a bird and does the same thing as wei wuxian. Wei wuxian went to the place where lan wangji killed the bird and it was really killed with bichen still pierced at the bird's body.

Next they took bow and arrows to hunt for boars and wei wuxian killed a bear by wrestling. They killed so many animals in the forest that the animals began to run away from them like they're some kind of hungry beast who wanted more animals to kill just to eat. 

There lan wangji's taste for food began to widen just because of tasting other meat he haven't tried in his life. "lan zhan " wei wuxian called as he eat another bear meat. Lan wangji looked at him and saw wei wuxian smiled so widely.  "let's hint again soon when we got married and let's teach our kids how to hunt" he said as lan wangji smiled "mm" he replied. 

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