Chapter 10

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Lan wangji is prince of lan kingdom, who was the son of the former emperor. And for someone who was a son of emperor he didn't get to visit his father's grave or so does with his mother. 

Cuddling under the tree with his lover wei wuxian, he think that maybe he doesn't need to visit the grave which is where he got everything all wrong. 

"WHAT?!  MOM AND DAD ARE GOING HERE?! " wei wuxian exclaimed to wen qing who sighed for who knows how many. 

"yes they're coming here for a visit and I already told you about this.... A HUNDRED TIMES ALREADY ARE YOU DEAF?! " she annoyingly replied. 

"no but.... I... Mean... Do they know about lan zhan?... Like what we are now? " fidgetting around.

Wen qing was so annoyed even back awhile ago because of the same topic. She didn't want wei wuxian to know about his parents coming to lan kingdom. Because she knows that this.... Will happen. 

She was just reading at the letter that was sent to her by wei wuxian's parents, when wei wuxian himself just sneak to her and red the letter with her. 

To his surprise he yelled in shock (*le pikachu shook face *)

She sworned that she was about to be deaf that time when wei wuxian literally shouted at her ears. 

She thought that maybe it's not a bad idea to explain to him what was in the letter, that later she regret it moon to China. 

And now she's stuck on situation where wei wuxian would bug her all the time just because of the letter itself only. 

She wasn't mad nor anything, but she's just plainly annoyed by how wei wuxian would ask all the time.

Worried about his parents wei wuxian himself would walk back and forth. And thinking a lot of possibilities.

From "what if mom and dad would actually approve to lan zhan, I'm sure they'll approve after all who would reject the second prince right" shrugging. 

To "what if dad and mom create a law for lan zhan to go away from me then later they'll exicute him and let go die alone and leave me widowed oh my great Buddha I'm not letting that happen. "


"wei ying.... Calm down.... Please?  You've been thinking weird things already" lan wangji said trying to stop wei wuxian but has no avail on it. 

Wei wuxian won't stop not until lan wangji himself stood up and kissed wei wuxian's lips to stop him.

Finally stopping, wei wuxian's mood literally went up side down in 180°.

"hehe lan er gege I'm not worried at all I promise" grinning to his lover lan wangji just can't help but to sigh only.

"lan zhan lan zhan I love youuuuu" wei wuxian happily chirped. "Mn love you too wei ying" replying back in such gentle and soft manner. 

"wahhh aiya aaiiiyaaaaa "

"wei ying is something wrong? Wei ying hurt? " lan wangji immediately asked as soon as he heard wei wuxian just dramatically whined. 

"zhanzhan don't say something like that it'll be my death you know~"

"won't let wei ying die" he said determinedly.

"aaiiiyaaaaa lan zhan!  I'm falling for you more and more if you keep that. What should I do if you stopped complementing me I think I can't even live because of you now" he said dramatically.

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