Chapter 8

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It was sunny day and it's seems wei ying have seen the heaven again based from his blinding smile. For a reason why he has been like this, is because the emperor wasn't in the kingdom for awhile. This means one thing, and that is he get to fool around all he want. True the princes were there but as if they could stop him. Wei ying ate his breakfast and check on his sisters, who were doing embroidery.  Jiang yanli who's making a beautiful scenery of lotus pier with a lot of lotuses and wen qing who made an embroidery of yiling where farmers are there plowing the earth. Both are extremely good that wei ying can't choose who's the winner. But instead he teased jiang cheng that he can't do embroidery. Jiang cheng was so pissed that he took the needle and thread sewing and making a scenery of the palace of jiang kingdom. It might not be good and according to wei ying it looked like a drawing of a 3 year old kid. The sewing technique was bad, the threads are loose and the space are randomly sewn everywhere into the fabric. Wei ying laughed at jiang cheng's lousy embroidery that made jiang cheng poke wei ying with needle. Wei ying took jiang cheng's work and correct it, like a maiden sewing into a fabric the way how he sew the thread onto the fabric was rather more graceful.

It took wei ying quite sometime to finish the embroidery and pass it to the head mistress, who showed a shock pikachu face just kidding, who showed an amaze face. She maybe a master of embroidery but she never have seen an embroidery this good. The details were laid out properly, with threads sewn and attached to the fabric properly, and how the thread was sew in different kinds of style. Nevertheless the who embroidery that wei ying made was full of life that made many girls envy him, especially a certain someone. Hei lianhua. True she might be good at embroidery that no OK me had ever defeated but by a mere boy she was utterly defeated with such a simple embroidery. Wei ying's embroidery shows life and fun in his place that anyone who could see it will feel how to live in jiang kingdom, while hei lianhua usually sew something more..... Elegant yet so lifeless, her works are truly work of an art but she never consider to give the embroidery with life that made it so gloomy. Many admire her skills but she soon feared that maybe one day if the people knew wei ying they'll left her out. Now she really wanted to erase wei ying in her life.

Wei ying went to the archery field where he was with wen ning the whole time practicing archery when he was suddenly called by the crown prince. He immediately came to him and bowed. "is something wrong zewu jun? " wei ying asked that made lan xichen hesitate to answer. "young master wei.... Do you perhaps.... Um.... Broke a vase? " wei ying tilted his head in confusion. He maybe a trouble maker but he never broke anything to lan kingdom except it's rules..... Unless.... If lan xichen was asking about the vase that he accidentally broke a week ago? "ah wait you saw you highness?! " he exclaimed questioning lan xichen, nodding his head. "you broke the largest vase that belongs to our ancestors young master wei". It took wei ying some time to process and figure out what lan xichen was talking about. "largest vase?  I thought you're talking about the small vase that I broke at my dorm. I was pretty clumsy and broke it I'm sorry your highness" wei ying said apologetically. Lan xichen again asked "what about in library pavilion was it you who rip the books there? " wei ying was stunned on what he heard and said "no I didn't even though I hate book cause they're boring it never crossed to my mind to do something stupid as ripping them. " wei ying answered. Lan xichen began to suspect wei ying and asked him again for the third time "young master wei would you tell me what did you do this morning up until now? " "oh of course first I woke up around 8 or 9 I'm not sure. But since his majesty wasn't here I went to jiang cheng and fooled around, next we went to the girl's quarters where we visit our sisters and I was with them making embroidery, then I met a-ning ate lunch with him and now we're practicing archery for his skills. As for the vase that was broken in my dorm I accidentally stepped on one of my folded scrolls and slipped to them not intentionally pushing the vase to my table and shattered. And ever since I finished my punishment to lan zhan I rarely step on library pavilion, I would also go there if lan zhan was there translating some ancient books. " wei ying explained not hinting any lie or whatsoever. Lan xichen raised his eye brows in curiosity about his brother and generally wei that he even questioned wei ying about it. "and what young master wei do whenever wangji was in library pavilion?  " "oh me and lan zhan would talk but I would talk a lot more than he does. I sometimes accompany him or tell him some stories about my home town in jiang kingdom." wei ying beamed.  Lan xichen was satisfied "very well I'm very sorry for doubting you young master wei I must go now" lan xichen bowed and walked away while wei ying waved his hand to lan xichen indication of goodbye. He again went to wen ning to teach him archery. "young master why did prince xichen called you? " wen ning asked while fixing the flight of his arrow, "he asked me about some things like if I broke something or ripping books-" "but you always break rules and ripping the books you hate if you're going to make an alibi please make it good cause I've been to your side ever since you invited me in the palace. " wen ning deadpanning wei ying with dead tone. Wei ying acted so hurt that he clutch his hand to his chest and his other hand on his forehead like he was about to faint on what he heard. "wen ning you hurt me, me your brother like friend, me who taught you archery and swordsmanship, you my right man and you who would always be by my side", "master I've been always in your side but I'm just telling the truth".wei ying fakingly gasped and putting his hand on his mouth covering it. "wen... Ning.... Did.... Did... Didachenginfectedyouwithhissaltiness?!.....oh... My... Oh.. My....-

My oh my my mama doesn't like him..... OK I'll stop

- this is disaster tell me what did a Cheng did to you. Did he threatened you don't worry I'll cut his dick off if he did that he can be a dick to me but not for you mister OMG I'll tell this to qing Jie and shijie don't worry wen ning your master will help you with all his might" he start running away from him leaving wen ning speechless on how talkative his master to the point that he became like a mother nagging a very naughty son. ".... Shijie will poke him with some needles.... I have to get ready his remedies ". Wen ning exited the archery field and went to caiyi town to buy his best friend's favorite wine, and hid it in his robe while going inside the cloud recess palace.

Wei ying went to wen qing on full panic mode that made wei ying worried but who know what happened to him. "Jiejie shijie you won't believe it a cheng infected wen ning with his saltiness now wen ning is dead panning me, oh my god that brat really tainted my best friend" yanli tried to cut him off from his rambling but failed. Wei ying continues to ramble and talk about what wen ning told him making it like its a big problem. "and now he's deadpanning me, and learned to make me shut up can't you believe it?  Oh ri-.... OK I'm sorry" wei ying only stopped when wen qing showed her needles turning a 180 attitude on wei ying. He bowed down properly and said. "I'm sorry for bothering you I'll be going then princess.... Lady wen" then leave the place like nothing happened. The ladies who saw what happened just wondered what also happened. 

Wei ying now so bored was walking. He knew that lan zhan was busy so he can't bother him even though he always does that. He saw jiang cheng talking to someone. A young man who's a little bit shorter than jiang cheng, his clothes have green, gray and gold. He holds a fan with such grand painting on it, and has a very gentle look on him making him more harmless in looks. "JIA-... " wei ying was about to shout and ran to them when an elder was behind of wei ying changing his tone volume and how he walk. He also elaborate the rule of the palace while imitating lan qiren brushing his goatee. "running is forbidden, don't talk to loud, be graceful in every move, respect thy elders.... " then he turned around the elder who's behind him and bowed properly. "wei wuxian of jiang kingdom greets the elder" he knew that wei ying was a very wild person
That no one can tame. Yet wei ying still bowed to him with respect and proper posture. He nodded in approve and left. Wei ying rise up and went to jiang cheng. "what's up guys and who's this man little chengcheng?" wei ying teased. Jiang cheng ignored wei ying and introduce him to the boy he's been talking with. "he's nie huaisang the prince of nie kingdom and also been with prince wangji ever since he's 3" wei ying got new knowledge about lan zhan and said. "then you must be friends with lan zhan ah anyways I'm wei ying courtesy of wuxian a general and right man of my little bro chengcheng here don't mind his saltiness he's always like that ever since we're little" wei ying winked and nie huaisang let out a soft giggle while covering his face with fan, he closed it when he talked to wei ying. "ah yes I've heard about you wei xiong in fact you became so famous here in cloud recess palace when you tripped the powerful prince of wen empire, wen chao. By the way wei xiong you may call me nie xiong if you wishes and there's another thing I wanna know.." "and that is?" wei ying asked "did you just call second prince lan, by his birth name? " nie huaisang said hoping he heard it wrong. "huh?  Of course he also calls me by my first name" wei ying said. " really?!  I've been with his highness for more than a decade yet he didn't let me call him by his birth name how did you do it wei xiong? " nie huaisang asked in excitement. "well I told him to call me by my birth name but in return I could call him by his first name. It's awesome that he calls me byy birth name" wei ying said innocently. 

They talk for awhile when a voice that belonged to a certain someone called wei ying. "wei ying" lan zhan called as wei ying turned around. "ah lan zhan you're good now?" "wei ying didn't visit the library" lan zhan said with straight face only

But ain't he gay for wei ying? So why straight???  ....ok I'll stop really. 

Wei ying smirked and teasingly asked lan zhan "what?  Did you miss me lan zhan? ~ oh that's so sweet of you" lan zhan heard his teasing and left him behind but knowing wei ying he would definitely follow him, calling his name many times as he wants and annoy him to hell. Wei ying left jiang cheng and nie huaisang who's just pikachu shook face-

OK sorry

With shook face wondering what happened to the cold second prince of lan kingdom. A distance to them a lady saw everything, fuming on anger on what she just saw. Lan zhan didn't let her call his birth name but someone who's foreign to the kingdom was able to. It wasn't fair. She watched the two leave gripping to the walls she really hated wei ying. Oh hei lianhua could kill wei ying instant.

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