Chapter 11

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After cangse sanren and wei changze picked wei wuxian from the lan kingdom. They noticed how gloomy their son became.

Upon arriving in jiang kingdom, they were greeted everyone giving them a very warm welcome.

Wei wuxian forced his self to smile to everyone and receiving their welcome gifts. 

Arriving to their majestic palace that was filled with hues of purple. They were again greeted by every single servants and guards. The couple looked at their son who is still gloomy, his gaze was on the floor and giving off that sad pout. 

"what's wrong with your son? " yu ziyuan asked as she looked at wei wuxian worriedly. She noticed that ever since they came back wei wuxian was looking outside and played his food and didn't even have the mood to eat it nor even taste it.

Cangse sanren can't help but to sigh at her friend's question and answered "he's been like that ever since we picked him up from lan kingdom"

Rising her eyebrow yu ziyuan asked again "but didn't he told us that he didn't like lan kingdom even a bit? "

"you'll hate that place because of the hellish rules but it will be heaven if you found the love of life there" cangse sanren answered.

Yu ziyuan didn't even understand what he friend meant so she looked at wei changze who give off a scoff. "she meant that our a-ying found his lover there"

Satisfied from his answer she nodded and spoke in agreement "yeah it'll be hard if you got separated from your lo-" she paused a bit and rethink what her friends said then she exclaimed "HE HAD A LOVER?! "

The pair nodded their heads giving an answer of yes to their empress friend.

"oh..... So did you two give your blessing to the lucky lady?  Wait who was this person anyway? " yu ziyuan asked in a bit excited tone.

"first of all its not a lady and second it's the second prince of gusu lan" wei changze informed.

"ah so it's a royal I see.... ITS A ROYAL THAT HAS A FIANCEE?! DID HE KNEW ABOUT THIS?! "

"technically yes but I guess lan wangji himself love our son" cangse sanren answered.

"I see if he is separated from his lover then how will he handle the pressure of his mission now? "

The two didn't answer and let it be for awhile. They honestly don't know how will their son handle his mission when he was separated from his lover. But they believe that wei wuxian will handle it. 

The next day came with wei wuxian wearing a semi formal attire. He knew that ever since he became a general he was destined to protect their territory, with today that the wen empire becoming more and more greedy and start taking territories from other kingdoms. The jiang kingdom can't help but to assigned their strongest general to handle everything.

Knowing that his mission would take for years of getting in and out of the kingdom to constant reports and land colonilizing he would get exhausted and won't have any much time to go to gusu to meet his lover.

And so his parents start paking all the clothes he need and he took his favorite sword and flute with him and a necklace that he called sytgian tiger amulet which was from his ancestors. 

An amulet that was passed down by every heir of the wei dutchy. The duke himself prepared little apple,  wei wuxian's favorite horse to the front door of their mansion.

Going out of the mansion wei wuxian had all the things he need. He felt so empty as he walk out. Looking at the ground he heard familiar voices that belonged to certain people. 

"Woah what's with the long face general? "

"yeah the idiot would usually smile like a moron"

" xue yang don't say that you too a-qing"

"yeah or else he would threatened you about cutting your tongue"

"what's with everyone cutting my tongue anyway do you guys have tongue fetish?! "

"ahaha.... I don't know "

"ah please forgive song lan and a-qibg prime minister yao they're just being silly"

"no no its fine priest xiao"

Wei wuxian was left with no words.

"what the hell..... Xue yang, xiao xingchen, song lan, a-qing... And meng yao? "

"hello future brother in law" meng yao greeted.

Meng yao was the illegitimate son of the emperor Jin guangshan (I wanna castrate this bitch). He was lucky that the empress Jin allowed him to serve in palace as a prime minister and now he was the fiance of lan xichen.

"oh hello brother in..... Wait what??? " wei wuxian stopped.

"we already know general sir your highness heir of the wei dutchy wei ying courtesy of wei wuxian " qing said.

"how??? "

"meng yao here spilled the tea so don't act like we don't know that you have a lover named prince lan wangji of gusu lan kingdom " xue yang said crossing his arms with a sass in tone.

"who said it?  Was it xichen Ge? "

"who else were the one who put you two in place? " meng yao said.

"um.... "

"don't ever think all the people who made you two smooch we know his highness jiang cheng helped you two" song lan said in a monotone.

"I don't have any words " wei wuxian said while the 5 giggled.

"son " wei changze called while guiding little apple to wei wuxian.

"dad.... I... "

"just be careful out there OK? " hus father said in sad tone. Cangse sanren followed and stood by her husband's side and said. "always send us a letter OK?  Make sure that you're eating fine, drink water everyday, don't forget to bath, don't leave your things in a mess, I want you sleep a lot, don't be picky eater got that sweetie? " as she reach his head and give him a kiss in forehead.

"of course mom and I think everyone here won't let me ditch around even if I wanted to so don't worry " he reassured.

Xiao xingchen, song lan, xue yang, qing and meng yao rode their own horses and wei wuxian climbed up to little apple. He took the reins and look at his parents again.

"mom, dad.... Are you mad that I love lan zhan? "

The couple looked at each other and turned to him with a smile. "of course not sweetie we're not mad" cangse sanren said with a sweet gentle smile.  "that's why.... Even if lan qiren doesn't approve you me and your mom will give you our blessings" wei changze said. 

Wei wuxian smiled and gripped on the reins. His friends already left and he climbed down giving his parents a very tight hug. The couple returned the hug and ruffles his hair.

Once released he climbed up again holding on the reins with happiness and determination. He smiled at his parents and said "I'll be going now " and signalled little apple to ran. He looked at them again and shouts "YOU GUYS BETTER WAUT FOR ME ILL BE BACK THAN YOU KNOW"

The couple waved their hands and cangse sanren cried silently in her husband's chest.

The citizen of jiang kingdom cheered for wei wuxian as he go to the dock to put little apple in the boat and him boarding in.

The ship began to sail away with everyone bidding their goodbyes.

Wei wuxian looked at the sky and acted to tough not trying to cry. His friends began to tease him as he start really crying. And thus his mission starts. 

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