Chapter 30

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As soon as wei wuxian woke up, he look around to his surroundings. The place look rather gloomy than the usual. He pat his belly as usual from his habit, he noticed something. His round belly was now flat and felt like there's no life growing inside there. It must be a dream. Time to wake up.

But he can't cause this is the real world he woken up with.

He suddenly flung his body up and look at his round belly, he couldn't believe it. It's back to his original body. It got him thinking, 'ah it must be with lan zhan or in the baby room with the nanny. How dare they took my baby away.'

He was very excited to meet his baby. But... wasn't this his 7th month of pregnancy? It means he have two more months to wait for his baby to come. His baby must be eager to meet its parents oh how silly of him.

He stayed sitting down for awhile until the door to their room finally opened. It was lan wangji who entered. "Lan zhan", wei wuxian called happily just from seeing his husband.

Lan wangji look at wei wuxian smiling. Guess he didn't knew yet. Lan wangji came in and more people followed him. Wen qing, jiang cheng, yu ziyuan, jiang fengmian, Jin yanli and his parents.

Wei wuxian was confused. And so he thought to himself again, "they must be here to congratulate me for giving birth". And so he asked his husband, "Lan zhan where's our little bean? Was it a boy or a girl? Hm? Hmmm?", but no answer came to him.

"Hey...come on Lan zhan I excited for our baby so how is he or she? Healthy? Malnourished? No no not Malnourish you fed me so many food for the past pregnancy month and didn't let me do any work so it's suppose to be healthy?so what did you name our child? Was it Mei Mei? Pfft- no Mei Mei sound silly ....oh oh perhaps you're waiting for me to name our child? Oh how considerate of you hubby. So where is little bean? In the baby room? Come on help me out I want to see our child and give him or her a beautiful suiting name"

Yet no answer still given. Wei wuxian was so excited that he pouted at his husband and became a whiny person. "Come onnnnn zhanzhan I want to meet our baby. Or at least help me to see him?"


A single word was answered. Wei wuxian stopped his tracks and look at his husband. Lan wangji look so depress. So he just smiled to him.

"Gone? What Gone? The clothes for the baby? The gifts? What? What Gone Lan zhan?", wei wuxian answered hoping that he wasn't thinking what his husband was thinking about. A long silence engulfed them all and wei wuxian's parents especially cangse sanren was now holding her tears and wei changze was hiding her. Wei wuxian looked at his parents and wondered why.

"Mama, baba what's wrong?", he looked at the rest and their expressions are the same, it was all filled with sadness and pity. "Oi why are you guys looking like that? Come on aren't you excited to meet your grandchild? So lan zhan help me",and again he was greeted by the silence.

"LAN ZHAN PLEASE WHERE IS MY BABY", wei wuxian asked desperately hoping Lan wangji can answer him back and he did but with one word again. Gone.

Wei wuxian had enough and took off the blanket. "What do you mean Gone?Lan zhan don't lie to me. Where. Is. Our. Baby LAN ZHAN", yet there was no answer again as wei wuxian watch lan wangji's face. "Move", wei wuxian command as he struggle to stand. Lan wangji hitch a breathe and followed wei wuxian. "Wei ying please you are still weak you need rest", lan wangji plead. His hand was slap by wei wuxian "there will be no rest if I haven't seen my baby lan zhan LET ME GO"

Lan wangji let wei wuxian go and let him be. And he felt a pat at his back, it was his father in law, " let a-ying be ", wei changze said as he look at wei wuxian go.

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