Chapter 32

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Whoever entered the room smiled at the scene infront of them. You were cuddled against jungkook. Your back pressed against his hard chest. His arm protectively wrapped around you. Legs tangled together. You looked so cute and tiny in his arms.

He slept while sitting and got neck pain which woke him from his sleep at night. Jungkook had no other option than laying down beside you.

Your eyes opened when you Heard someone calling out your name. You opened your eyes and blinked them few times to adjust them to focus.
You looked around and saw alot of eyes on both of you. Feeling flustered you tried moving away from Jungkook but he groaned and pulled you closer to him.

"Jungkook". You called out in a shy voice. But he didn't move a bit. You shaked him. Poked his cheek. Softly patted his cheek.
But nothing worked.

"Jungkook...jungkook". You shaked him violently. Internally asking for forgiveness, you pinched his arm. He hissed and opened his eyes.

"Let me go Jeon". You said and pushed him. But he pulled you closer again.

"Let me go. People are looking".
You could hear jimin's giggles from far.
But still pulling you down he hugged you tight not letting you go.

"This is a punishment for pinching my precious arm".

You started whining and wiggling trying to get away from his grip.

You heard the door getting opened. You looked who it was.

Jungkook's Mom.

"Mom!..Jungkook isn't letting me go". You said and pouted melting her heart.

"My baby..Wait a second". Saying that she pinched his arm.

"Yahh-...Oh Mom..". He quickly shut his mouth seeing her.

"Let her go, and get up!". Hearing her scoldings he got up freeing you from his grip. Sighing you got up from that uncomfortable couch. Looking around you saw your family members sitting and peacefully watching the drama that was happening infront of them.

Your cheeks flushed. You thought of rushing to the restroom to save yourself but the sad thing was that. Taehyung and Jimin were showing their phone screens to you. Which displayed the pictures of you and jungkook cuddled together.

Glaring at them while they cheekily smiled at you, you rushed to the restroom with red cheeks.

Everyone waited outside the room where your mom was moved. The doctors said that she was awake. You got so happy that you almost cried.
The doctor came out and smiled.

"You can meet her but please don't get emotional. The patient might get worried. And it's not good for the patient to get worried ok?". The doctor said and everyone nodded.

Slowly getting in. You were greeted by your mother with a warm smile on her face. Seeing your mother wrapped in bandages and pipes attached. Your heart ached and at that moment you thought.
I should have been at her place..
Walking towards her. You carefully sat beside her. Raising her hand, she stroked your cheek softly.

"I'm sorry Y/n". She suddenly said.
"F-For what Mom?".
"I ruined your honeymoon baby. I'm sorry". She answered
"Mom come on". You said and glared at her while she Chuckled.

"I'm sorry..I might have worried you people alot". She said and sadly smiled.

Everyone started saying that no need to apologise.

Someone eles entered the room. Everyone turned towards the door and it was your dad.
He smiled seeing his wife awake. Getting up you said

"Let's step out everyone".

Everyone nodded and dad smiled warmly at you. You winked at him but your mom caught you.

"What's with the winking?".
"Nothing". You quickly said and got out.

Your dad is a shy person and you knew that they might need privacy. But your dad won't say anything like that cause he thinks that it's rude.

As soon as you came in the hallways. You found jungkook standing there. You smiled while he opened his arms for you. You shyly looked away and hugged him tight. While he held you softly.

"Where's that bold and sexy Y/n. I'm searching for her". He said with smirk. You hit his chest playfully and giggled shyly. Hearing you giggle. He smiled feeling a little relief.

"Y/n..". Hearing your name you turned around.

"Stop calling me that". He said annoyed.
"What should I call you then?". You smiled and looked straight in his eyes.
"Go with yoongi...or with your names you give me". He said and looked away.

"Yoongles!". You said and hugged him.
And for the first time Yoongi realised that you aren't that Y/n who used to get scared of his resting face. Chuckling softly, he patted your back and pulled away.

" are you?". He asked him. You smiled seeing them interact.
"I'm fine h-hyung..". He said and looked away. Yoongi nodded his head.

"I gotta go Y/n. Have alot of work to do". He said
"Ok yoongles...Byee!!". You said and waved your hand at him.
He smiled showing his gummy teeth and left.

"Let's go to the waiting room". You said to jungkook. He nodded and followed you.

As soon as you entered. You saw only one person. Your brother. Jungkook walked as he got a call.

"You look happy".
"Yes it's because mom's awake".
You said and plopped beside him on the couch.
"We are taking mom home". He said.
You looked at him worried
"But she hasn't recovered yet".
"I know. But keeping her here..she wont feel good. She might feel lonely. And that's the thing that doctors dont understand. She needs to be around people. You know that mom likes talking. She needs someone by her side. But the hospital rules don't allow that".

"I understand..but what about doctors and stuff?".

"I found a Amazing nurse and she's ready for this job"


Heyyy cuties!
How are you?
Hope you guys are fine...
I missed you guys Alot..
I know I've been gone for too long...I'm sorry..I'm such a irresponsible author. Alot of things have been happening..
That is why I couldn't update.
Hope you guys understand
I'm sorry
And thank youuu💜💓💕

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