Chapter 38

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You nervously stood beside yoongi. He rang your house bell.

You saw the love of your life. He looked miserable. He's eyes puffy. He's face was expression less. He didn't look at you. He looked at yoongi who was standing infront of you.

"We need to talk".

You carefully sit down. Jungkook sat infront you. You sighed and stared at your shoes. You were scared.

"I know whats going on".

"I need a divorce". Jungkook said. Your heart shattered.

"Listen we can't jump into conclusions without any proper explanation". Yoongi saved him from making any bad decesion.

"We can prove you that-".

"That reports proved me enough". Jungkook said simply.

"You think that child Is not yours?". Yoongi asked him.

Jungkook didn't hesitate and shaked his head saying yes.

"Then let's get a DNA test".

"But yoongi-". You thought that yoongi was doubting you too.

But Yoongi's one loving look told you that whatever you are thinking is wrong.

Jungkook thought for a while.

"Ok." Jungkook replied.

"We'll also get an strong avidence for why can't you remember the night".

"This all is useless. You can't change the fact that she cheated". Jungkook said and finally he looked at you. But you hated it. Because his stare was filled with Disgust,Anger, Betrayal.

"I will". Yoongi confidentially said.

"Let's go to a personal home doctor of ours and get tested there".

"I'll send you the location"

Yoongi held your hand and walked out of the house. You turned and looked at Jungkook.

But he had his back turned at you.

The doctor removed his gloves and sat on his chair.

"Your reports will be late. I'm sorry".

"Why Jin Hyung?". Yoongi asked concerned.

"There are many other patients that are waiting for their reports but I'll try my best to finish your first". Jin sighed and looked at You and Jungkook.

Jin looked at yoongi seeking for an answer. For why they were taking a DNA test.

"We will get going then. I'll talk you later ok". Yoongi said and gestured me to get up. I sadly smiled at jin and walked out of his clinic.

"Y/n. Come sit here". You sighed tiredly and sat.

"Look I just realised that. If Jungkook was just drunk then he would have remember atleast a bit of that night".

"So you are saying that..".

"Someone drugged him".

"But he was all okay when he came home. Some people get knocked out when they get drugged right".

"Not all of them have the same reaction to the drug. Maybe Jungkook could have been able handle the tolerance of the drug that's why he didn't get knocked out. He just forgot everything". Yoongi said which made some sense.

"But how can we prove that he was drugged we don't have any avidence". You sighed sadly.

"Do u remember which club or wher-...wait you asked me to get him right? That night?".

Your eyes widen.

"Yes I called you. You sent the location to Teahyung and went to get him".

Yoongi smirked.

"So let's begin".

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