Chapter 43

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"Morning. Rise and shine". You heard someone in your sleep. Your eyes flattered open hearing jisoo sing.

"Oh, no, there you go, making me a liar"

She sang shaking her hips while folding your clothes and packing them up.

"Jisoo-ya. What are you doing?".

"I'm packing up the clothes cause the doc said we could leave tonight"

You shaked your head understanding. You pressed your temples with your fingers as you felt your head ache.

Hearing the door opening,you looked at the entrance to look who came.


Seeing her emotional face, Your eyes started tearing up but blinked your eyes a few times trying not to spill them. And behind her was Jennie. She has been taking her care since the accident.
Jennie waved her hand at you. You smiled trying to return to her wave.

"My baby". She sat beside you and held your hand in a comforting way trying not to cry and trying to stay strong for you.

"Everything's gonna be fine. Don't worry". You nodded your head feeling good that you have her by your side when things turn upside down.

"Can you people leave us alone for a while? I need to talk to her" said Namjoon from behind. You sweated. You felt nervous seeing namjoons serious face. You felt like something bad is gonna happen. Your mom nodded her head. Jennie and Jisoo held your mother's shoulders and guided her out.

Namjoon sat beside you and let a sigh out.

"Let me tell you something before I ask and tell you this something....that you don't know".

You nodded your head. You felt nervous. Caressing your bump you tried to ease down then tension.

"Answer me honestly about what you think about this".

"When dad signed this partnership with the Jeons. He made a agreement for you. You married him for his sake. For dad Company. So he thought when the company gets out of the bankrupt situation he would take you back. So he made this divorce papers".

Your heart shattered hearing the name "divorce papers ". Divorce? You love Jungkook more than anything and now while you are carrying his child. Can you leave him?

"Namjoon. I love Jungkook. He's my everything. I can't leave him. I know the situation is fucked up but i can't leave him". You sobbed. Namjoon felt those words coming from heart.

"Okay okay. Stop crying". He said and hugged you tight. Caressing your head he tried calming you down.

"Look. Whatever it is we are here to help you Y/n and also..". You looked at him as he didn't continue. Namjoon tore those divorce papers and threw them in the dustbin.

You nodded your head and smiled.
These were all misunderstandings and everyone was here to help you without judging your decesions and without questioning anything. You were beyond happy.

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