Chapter 31

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Tears streaming non stop as you sat in the car which was leading you to the hospital.

It was raining heavily. Loud thunders were heard but you were in own sadness. Maybe the clouds were crying with you.

It was three at night. Jungkook was sitting beside you, trying to comfort you but you were so worried and scared.
Your makeup was ruined. Thankfully Jungkook kept wiping your tears with tissue papers. Pulling you closer he layed your head on his chest. He was broken seeing you cry and was totally worried for his Mother in law.

You didn't even change your clothes. You were in a hurry packing everything. At the moment you didn't care, wearing a pair of sneakers and wearing a black long coat you both exited the hotel.

At this moment you couldn't even fight with your own thoughts.
Crying and Crying. Wetting your husbands shirt. You were so scared.

The moment the car stopped. You opened the door and sprang out of the car. Not waiting for Jungkook. Rushing towards the reception you asked the directions and ran. Walking closer to the room. You saw everyone..

Jin, Hobi, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jisoo, Your dad, and your in laws.
No sight of yoongi and Jimin

Hearing footsteps, Namjoon raised he's head which was buried in his palms.
He got up catching everyone's attention.

You didn't wait and ran and crashed your body on his, hugging him tight and cried your heart out.

"I-Im so s-scared Joon". You said in between your sobs.

"Hey, listen. Nothing will happen to Mom. You know she's a strong woman. Take that negative thoughts out of your mind". Namjoon said and stroked your back with his hand trying to calm you down.

Your dad patted your shoulder from behind. Telling you to be strong.

Jungkook was here. He saw his parents. They looked so worried. Especially seeing their daughter crying. They looked at Jungkook, he nodded assuring them that everything will be alright.

Seeing you cry non stop in your brothers embrace he couldn't help but shed a tear.
Wiping it. He said himself to stay strong just for you

Everyone were worried too. They were in shook when they heard the news.

They saw you cry a little in past but they never saw you cry your heart out which made them shook.

Jisoo got up and held your shoulders.
"Hey Y/n, clam down. She's gonna be alright". She said and made you sit down on the waiting chair. You buried your face in your palms and cried. Jisoo kept on rubbing your back and shoulders trying her best to calm you down.

The door opened and the doctor came out. You raised your head and wiped your tears. Taking long breaths you tried calming yourself.

"Mr.Kim...lets get straight to the point. Mrs.Kim got her left hand and left leg fractured. Her left cheek, jaw and forehead nearly got four stitches each. Bruises on her face. And the main thing is that when she fell out of the car. The force of her falling might be too much which made her head to hit the road hard. This caused her a brain injury. She might be unconscious for the next 72 hours".

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