Chapter 29

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You layed on your bed in the hotel room thinking about the things happened this morning.




"Take care Jungkook. You too Y/n Hmm?".

You both nodded your heads. Looking at Chaeyoung you smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Remember what I said...Better do it. You won't regret. Be the naughtiest girl tonight". She whispered in your ear. You pulled away and winked at her.

Jungkook curiously looked at both of you as you both shrugged.

Saying a emotional goodbye to Grandma you both walked out of the house waving your hands at them.

"What's in that box?". Jungkook asked as curiousity was taking the best of him as he was driving.
"Umm..It's a gift from Chaeyoung unnie". You said gently not letting him to get suspicious.


Jungkook wasn't in the room. He said he was going out for some work purpose.
It was already 6 pm. You were waiting for Jungkook.
You were ready for what Chaeyoung said you to do.

Nervousness took over you as soon as you heard the door getting opened.
You smiled as you saw your husband. You tried to act cool. Jungkook smiled at you. He pecked your forehead and plopped beside you on the bed. You blushed at the sudden peck.

He sighed as he was tired from today's work but it was all for you.

You turned to the side and wrapped your hands around him. Jungkook smiled and turned to face you. You thought that you were too close and moved a little back but he didn't let you do that. Pulling you towards him. He held you tight. You gasped and your cheeks flushed in tint red.
Jungkook giggled and pecked your nose. You suddenly got shy and hid your face in his chest.

"How was your day?". You asked him and looked straight in his eyes.
"Good. There was alot of work to do".
You nodded and waited for him to tell you get ready for tonight.

"Did you miss me?". Jungkook asked you. As you shake your head saying No playfully making his eyebrow to raise.
"Oh really?". He asked and hovered over you without hesitation which made your eyes to widen. You placed your palms on his chest to maintain some distance but he leaned downwards. Faces inches apart. His breath tickling your face. You stared at him admiring his handsome face. You cheeks flushed as he pecked your lips.
Rolling over he walked towards the closet. You touched your lips and smiled like an idiot.

"Wear something nice and sexy. We are going out for dinner".
Jungkook winked at you and walked in the bathroom and it was your time to act.

Standing infront of the mirror,you looked at yourself, giving yourself some last touch ups. Jungkook was still in the bathroom. You managed to get ready really fast.
You curled you hair a little bit and wore some make with a red matte lipstick which matched your dress.

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You were totally ready but Nervousness took over you.
You heard the shower getting turned off.

"Be the naughtiest girl tonight".

That's when Chaeyoung's words kept repeating in your mind.
Quickly you thought something....
And your mind clicked.

You untied the Criss-Cross strings of your dress which were present in the back. After untying them you acted like you were struggling to tie them up thats when jungkook came out.

You concentrated on your plan.
He was just in a towel hanging on his waist. He ruffled his hair with the extra towel he had.
You wanted to take a look of him but you had to concentrate.
You struggled until he noticed.

And the other side the first thing he saw after he got out was only you.
The way you wavey hair moved as you tried to tie the knots. The cute pout on your face. The way that red dress look so hot on you. You looked sexy and cute at the same time to him.

Seeing you struggle,Jungkook threw the extra towel on the bed and moved forward to help you.

You freezed as you saw his reflection on the mirror. He was right behind you,
Wearing nothing but just a towel.
Your breath hitched as you felt his fingers on your back tying the strings together.

After tying them up he looked at your reflection. You smiled at him which made him to smile.
Placing his hands on your hips Jungkook pulled you closer towards him. You blushed but acted cool. He leaned towards your neck and placed gave a kiss on it.

"You look so hot baby".
You smiled and shyly looked away.
You heard him Chuckle.
Turning around you pushed him away which made him stumble back.

Moving towards him. You made a bold move. You Wrapped your arms around his neck and stared straight in his eyes.
Shyly but boldly you placed a peck on his lips which gave him shook. 
"Get ready hot stuff". You said.

Removing your hands away from his neck,you winked at him and left the room leaving jungkook shook at your bold behaviour.


Sorrry cuties...
Ik...I'm too late but...I have alot of studying to do....
And ik... you r disappointed becoz of the small chap...
I was out of idea guys...
Nd when I was free...I quickly wrote this chap and updated..
I will comeback with a good chap soon ok...
Sorry and Luv u

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