Chapter 48

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You sat there as you thought about only one thing.


You didn't get the chance to fix things between you both. You didn't get the chance to say him how much you miss his hugs and kisses. You didn't get the chance to tell him how much you love him.

The van stopped and you were more anxious over what's gonna happen.

As you were forcely moved out from the van, you saw a good mansion in the forest there was nothing but trees and bushes and even if you shout for help no one's gonna hear you. You gulped terrified. 

The man who abducted you held your fore arm incase you try to run away.

The other masked man came forward and cuffued you hands with handcuffs tightly. You hissed in pain and glared at him. The man had dull eyes looks like he didn't care at all.

The man who held your fore arm dragged you forward as you stubbornly moved with him. As you entered the mansion your heart dropped.


He looked miserable. His hands cuffed in the the front. He was beaten up badly, had bruises on his face and arms. His lip busted and blood dripping from his forehead. His head hanging. He looked lifeless.

You tried to free yourself from the man but you couldn't cuz the other man came quickly and held you tight. You sobbed painfully seeing him in that condition.

"Jungkook! Wake up!". 

Your continuous calling out of his name mad him raise his head. He looked like he's gonna faint.

Looking at you crying and sobbing loudly he got worried cause you weren't supposed to be involved in this.

"Y/n!". Your head snapped up hearing a familiar voice and your felt hopefull think that someone's here to help you.

"Taehyungie! Help Jungkook".

Taehyung looked worried too. He quickly rushed to Jungkook.

Why weren't any of the guards were attacking him?

Your sobs stopped in shock as you see Taehyung pull out a gun and point it on jungkook. He had a sinfull smirk painted on his face.

You felt angry and betrayed.

"Taehyung what the fuck are you doing? Drop the gun. Are you fucking crazy?".

"Yes Taehyung drop the gun. Do as she says". Another familiar voice came out.

"Chaeyoung unnie?".

She gracefully walked towards Taehyung as her heels made a satisfying sound.

She held Taehyung's shoulder and lowerd Taehyung's gun with another hand.

"What are you both up too? Stop this please". You were worried sensing bad vibes from both of them.

"So explain her Taehyungie". Chaeyoung said with a similar smirk on her face. Those eyes which held hope and love for you had nothing but hate in them. Silent tears left your eyes seeing them acting to opposite of what you feel for them.

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