Chapter 12

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Sleeping on the couch scrolling through your phone after having a lunch with your husband.
The thing that Taehyung told you before leaving made you afraid......


A 14 years old Y/n was sitting on her home's doorsteps waiting for her parents to arrive and open the door of the house since she lost her keys somewhere.

"Darling we will be at home by 6:00 okay. Here,take this keys incase we aren't home by then".

Her mother words rang in her head that she said before leaving with her father.
6 passed 7 passed and now its 8:00. You have been waiting for two hours. You noticed small water drops falling from the sky.

Loud thunders was heard. You flinched getting scared. Its was raining heavily, everytime the sound would ring through your ears you would flinch. The rain made your clothes drenched in water. A another loud thunder was heard which made you flinch harder and tears escaping from your eyes.
You sat there hugging your knees,sniffing and sobbing loudly.
A light coming towards you along with a honk, that was familiar to you.
"Mom!". You yelled and ran towards her and hugged her.
"Oh my god Y/n. Why aren't you inside baby. What happened? Why are you crying?". She asked you getting worried after listening to your sniffing and sobbing.
You stood there while crying your mother holding a umbrella patting your back to calm you down.
Your dad removed his coat and placed it on your shoulders and leaned down to your level.
"Y/n. Baby dont cry lets go inside. Okay". He said and smiled you looked at him and just nodded your head....


After that day you slept with your Mom when ever it rained. Your mom cuddled you until you fell asleep.

You could hear sounds of raindrops hitting the ground. You sighed getting bored. Then remembered the ointment Taehyung gave you. You took the ointment and sat up. You removed you bandage and applied the cream on the wound.

"Its doesn't hurt at all then why these people are taking it so serious?". You thought

Keeping the ointment tube on the table,leaning your back on the couch and again scrolling through your phone.

"Well. It feels werid. He's sitting infront me and we aren't talking. Maybe i should talk". You thought.

Before  you could even think of saying or asking something the lights went off.
You gasped. You looked around but nothing was visible to your eyes. You got sweaty and started breathing heavily.
"Jungoo~". He's name came out in a cute way from you which made his cheeks to warm up and melt at your cuteness. He sensed it that you were scared. So he ON the flashlight which was in his phone and pointed it towards you.

You had no other options then jumping over to him and hugging his arm.
Jungkook was shooked by your actions but was calm. He was quiet not saying anything,while you hug his arm tightly.

"Y/n,You stay here I will get the bigger flashlight from the store room". He said which made you hug him tightly in fear.
"No..dont go a-anywhere". You said.
"If we stay like this my phone's battery will die. So I have no other options then going up and getting that light". He said and tried to remove your hand from his arm but you held it tightly not letting him go.
"T-then...take me d-dont be..alone". You stuttered feeling scared from the darkness.
"You cant walk Y/n. Stop being stubborn and let me go okay". He said being annoyed by your behaviour.
"Jungkook please". You said as tears started to form in your eyes.
"Aishhh......okay get on my back fast". He said and crouched down while you wrapped your hands around his neck and wrapping you legs around his waist. He held your bare thighs and you held his phone and pointed it towards the stairs. You placed you forehead on his back,wrapping your legs tight.
"Y/n Open the door". He said which made you look at the door infront you.

You reached out for the handle and opened it. Dark room with boxes and some old stuff. Jungkook looked around and he saw a table. He thought to place you there until he searches for the light. He moved back while his back was facing the table.
"Sit". He said removing his hands from you thighs and you unwrap your hands from his neck.

You sat there and pointed the phone towards him. He roamed through boxes looking for the light. There was window which was locked securely but from the small space of the window made the cold air escape and hit your bare legs and making your hair on your body to stand. You sat there looking at him.
"What if he disappears suddenly...what is happening to mind?oh my god". You thought.
A loud thunder made you flinch and yelp in fear. Jungkook at you and asked.
"Scared?". You nodded,he looked through the box in corner and took out a object and switched it on.
"Found it". He said and sighed.
"Jungkook....Can...I change my...shorts....I feel..cold". You said feeling shivers running down towards your spine from the cold wind.
"Yea...". He said.You looked at your feet and remembered that you just applied the cream. It wouldn't have been dried up yet.

He took his phone from you and switched off the flashlight from his phone and quickly kept it in his pocket and handing you the big light.
He again took you on his back and headed towards your room.
You opened the door with your free hand and you both entered the room.

Jungkook made you sit on the bed qnd went towards the closet which you both share. You looked at him searching for your pants.
"Dont op-".
You were about to tell him not to open that drawer in which you keep your undergarments and stuff but it was too late. The drawer was opened and was quickly shut. Jungkook was standing still not understanding what to do next.
"Its in the top shelf". You and sigh. A hint of embarrassment was found in your voice. He picked a black swear pants and and closed the closet shut.
"Sorry". He apologised for opening the drawer. You understood for what he was apologising.
"Its..okay". You said and took the sweat pants from his hands. He was looking at you while you looked at him. You were in a very embarrassing situation.
"He's right infront of me,how should I change plus can i change by myself? Shouldd...I ask him". The thought of asking him for help made your cheeks to warm up.

"Can you....turn around please". You stuttered while asking.
"....Sure". He said and turned around. While you took off your shorts and and slided on your sweatpants but unable to stand while sliding them upto your waist. You sighed and looked at jungkook's back hesitating asking for help. You could see him scratching his neck.
"Need help?". You cheeks warmed up again. You nodded your head and then remembered that he was facing his back toward you and he cant see you. So, you said.
"Should I close my eyes?". He asked being a gentleman.
"I dont know". You said.
"Maybe you should just off the light for a second and then I will lift you up and you..can...slide your..pants up". He said getting flustered by the situation he was stuck in.
"Hmm okay". You told and hesitatingly off the flashlight. Jungkook turned and but couldn't see anything which made him chuckle for some reason. You frowned at his sudden change in behaviour.
"Y/n...I really cant see anything". He said and smiled.
"Oh....". You said
Jungkook moved forward and his hands searching for your figure which was right infront of him. When his hands made a contact with your hand. He kept hus hands on your waist and lifted you up while you quickly slide your pants up.

The thunders got loud which made you flinch. You looked at Jungkook who was fast asleep on the bed and sighed. A loud thunder made you flinch harder and snuggle a little bit near Jungkook. You faced your back towards him and moved back but didn't let your back touch his toned chest. You turned your head and looked at him,then looked at the plain coloured walls
"I wish mom was here to cuddle me to sleep. This is very scary". You said and pouted.

A grip pulled you back. You know who it was. He's arm locked around your body and his legs too. He pushed you a little down and snuggled into the crook of your neck. His breath making your hair on your body to stand. Your eyes wide open and cheeks flushed bur you felt safe and secure in his arms.
You slowly closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Helllloooo! How r u. I wish i could post this on Jungkook's bday but,I got busy in othe stuff. Sorry guys for the late update. Hope some of my readers are not upset upon my late update. Hmm. Maybe i will update early i hope and i will make the story interesting.
Bye bye,take care 😇

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