Chapter 40

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"Now we can show this to Jungkook and everything will be fine". You exclaimed happily.
"But not now Y/n, Not until we get the DNA reports. We should have proper evidence. We can't show it to him now. We just have one evidence". Yoongi explained.

"By the way. Whats the beef between Jungkook and Taehyung?". You suddenly dropped the question that yoongi have been waiting for.

"Actually. We already knew Jungkook before you did".
"What?!". You were shocked.

"Yea. Lemme explain you this.

Jungkook's mother never liked any of us. We used to and still live in the dorm which probably have 8 rooms. Jin was the person who rented in the house. He always wished to live in a house like that but he couldn't pay the rent. So he started pasting flyers here and there looking for a dorm mate. Surprisingly I was the first one to join".

"Oh Its been a while since I visited the dorm". You pouted remembering all the memories you people created in the dorm.

"Yea me too but listen. After me hobi then Namjoon and jimin together and then Teahyung".

"Oh I remember how much Namjoon fought with appa, eomma. He wanted to move out but they didn't allow him but at last they did". You said chuckling.

"We waited for another dorm mate for many days but no one showed up. But one day this small boy who was just a little older than you showed up infront of the dorm. That was non other than Jeon Jungkook himself".

"Remember the time when you came to meet our new form mate but he didn't show up and you left because it was getting late. Do u remember?". Yoongi asked you. You closed your eyes trying to remember.

"Oh yes I do! Namjoon said tht he was a good kid and he wanted to introduce me too him!". Your eyes widen remembering that.

"Imagine that. Namjoon never let you hang out with us but he willingly bought you to the dorm to introduce him". Yoongi chuckled and shaked his head at your shocked face.

"As I said. Jungkook's mother never liked anyone of us and as Jungkook was young we really took good care of him which he didn't receive at home. When we came to know that he was the child of a successful company. We were at shock. Why would a rich kid come and live in a dirty dorm instead of living in his big mansion. But the answer was. We gave him love, comfort, attention. Jungkook used to tell us about how his mother always made him study and grounded him even if he got one mark less in his test. He was mentally tortured. Thats why he left his house".

Your heart shattered. Imaging how hard it might have been for him.

"And this is where it starts.

One day Jin Hyung got a call from jungkook's mother. She casually talked to him about how her son was doing and all. She said she wanted him back. Jin Hyung hesitated knowing that if he send the kid back he's gonna get mentally tortured again". But she threatened him with his family. Telling him that she will harm them if he doesn't kick out Jungkook".

You were in totally shock. You thought your mother in law was a very good woman but turned out she was very evil.

"Jin Hyung talked to Jungkook. He asked him if he wanted to go back even after knowing that he will say no. Jungkook obviously said no. He hated that place. He never called it home.
But desperate Jin Hyung he had to do something. He had to hurt his weakness which might make him go back and jungkook's weakness was

"Teahyung and Jungkook were very close since the first day Jungkook joined the dorm. They got in trouble together, they sneaked out together, did everything together.
Teahyung was a normal boy. Who moved out from his home after finishing high school. He worked part time jobs to pay the rent and Jin Hyung...took Teahyung's monthly salary which was very important to him and dropped it in jungkook's drawer. When payment time came. Teahyung was in panic cause he couldn't find his envelope which contained the money. I was the charge for collecting and paying the rent. I didn't know what was going on and scolded Teahyung for spending his rent part of his money on some other things. He was really scolded so much. Poor kid he didn't even try to argue with me. He thought he was irresponsible. I didn't talk to him for few days. And later we did talk. When Teahyung entered jungkook's room, searching for his sunglasses. He found the envelope. He thought it wasn't hig but there were bold letters which said. Kim Taehyung. Teahyung never felt the betrayed in his life".

You thought what ever Jin did, he did it out of desperation. He was desperate to save his family.

"I remember. We were gathering for dinner. Teahyung looked so angry when he came down. He threw the envelope on the table which slid to me. I looked at Taehyung. I asked him where did he keep it. He looked at Jungkook without answering me and said it was in jungkook's room. Jungkook chuckled and said Teahyung might have kept it there but Teahyung knows where he keeps his salary and he was never irresponsible. And they both started arguing. Jungkook tried to deafet himself but Taehyung was stuck at thinking Jungkook stole his salary. Jungkook tried to gain others trust but no one supported him Not even Namjoon who supported him at everything. That made him to leave".

"Jin Hyung later told everyone minus Taehyung that that was his plan. He did it. Jin Hyung had no other choice. But if he did say anything to us we would have did something eles. Instead of making them hate each other".

"That's why they both hate each other. Thats why Namjoon hugged Jungkook like he misses him. That's why Jin always treated him well". You sighed. You really thought it might be some competition hate between them cause they were college enimes but it was really a emotional story.

"Yoongi oppa?".


"Can you like get some evidence for this?".

"I'll try. But why do you ask". Yoongi looked at you curiously even tho he knew what your answer would be.

"Let's fix this".

Yoongi smiled and patted your head. He nodded his head and went back to work on his computer.

"Take some rest Y/n and if you are craving for something. Don't hesitate, come to me without embarassment".

"Okay". You said and closed the room door.

"I'll go home now". You suddenly said which made yoongi to look at you to see if you were really serious

You sighed. You wanted to go home. You were sleeping in yoongi's bed everyday and he was sleeping on the couch. It made you think that you are stealing his comfort by coming here and also..
You missed him..
It was suffocating you. You didn't see his face for 2 days and it felt like 2 years.

"You sure?".
"Yes I am. I have to go yoongi. I can't hide from him right. One day I have to face him and also I don't have clothes to wear. I've been wearing your over sized shirts". You said and looked at yoongi for approval.

"Ok but I'll drop you".

"Don't let anyone to know about this". You signed. Yoongi patted you head lovingly and nodded his head.


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