Chapter 35

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Parking his car infront of the club. Jungkook walked slowly as the weather was chilly and the air brushing through his body made him feel a little relaxed. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment for a while. Remembering why he was here, Jungkook walked inside the club and sat down on the stool which was empty.

"I know they are gonna be late". He said to himself
"Excuse me?". He called out for the bartender to order
"Can I get 20 shots of tequila". He said and smiled remembering how he and his friends had a competition with that 20 shots of tequila.

He waited and waited and waited. No one showed up

He drank one of the shot and exact at that moment he got a call.

"Yo Jungkook"
"Yugyeom where are man? I've been waiting for like more than 2 hours".
"Yo I'm sorry but I got a important meeting to attend so I couldn't come"

Jungkook chuckled disappointedly

"It's alright we can meet up next time dude. No need to apologise".
"Yes. I really need to go now"
"Yup take care"

He stared at the tequila shots and sighed
"I should have ordered when he was here. Can't waste them".

Picking up the small glasses he slowly drank up all the liquid.

"Hey handsome man".

A lady with a hight ponytail and a tight satin dress showed up. She had a seductive smile on her face.

Before she could say anything. Jungkook raised his hand up and showed his engagement ring.

Her smile turned up side down. Disappointed knowing that Jungkook was married she walked away.

Jungkook smiled as your face showed up when he closed his eyes.

He got drunk. 5 more shots to go.
He looked wasted.

"Can I get a Mint julep?". He looked at his right side and saw the same woman from before.
He shrugged not caring about it.

He turned to the other side. To his left startled as he hears a glass breaking voice.

And when he turned back to his side he saw the women gone.
Picking up the rest of the shots he drank them.

Jungkook was seated for a while. He started feeling dizzy.

"I shouldn't have drank. That was too much". He held his temples something was wrong because his alcohol tolerance was high and he never felt this dizzy.
Everything seemed blurry. Jungkook drank some water and felt better.

Someone tapped on his shoulder. He looked up and saw the same girl.

"What do u want". Jungkook asked as he panted. He felt breathless.

"I want you". He felt her hand on his thigh. But he slapped it away. He felt so bad.

That woman gripped his wrist and was dragging him somewhere.

But some other hand stopped his from walking.

He looked at the hand and than his eyes trailed up to thier face.

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