Chapter 47

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Lefting up my head I only thought of someone who's gonna help me.

Quickly wearing my shoes i got out of the house and start my car to my destination in hopes of fixing all this.

Author's Pov

Twisting the keys you open the door finding the house in pin drop silence.

Sighing you placed your bag on the couch and plopped on the couch with your tired body.

You felt pain in ever bone of your body. Closing your eyes, you thought of napping for a bit but your phone keeps on buzzing signalling you that you got some texts

Y/n!!! I found this amazing
house to move in with Chuu

Whattt?!? Thts amazing. Send
me pics of it.

Hehe. I texted u cuz i
want you to come here rn

Right now??

Yesss. Plss Y/n :')

Okay okay send me the location.

Thankyou Y/n (⁠T⁠T⁠)

Sighing tiredly. You got up and picked up your bag. Looking back you wondered if jungkook's home or not. Ignoring the weird feeling you got. You closed the door and walked for a cab.

"Ma'am. Do you want me to drop you somewhere?". Kim said as you got out of the house.

Thinking about why you wanna trouble him, you shaked your head.

"No Kim. Go home. Your wife must be waiting for you".

Kim smiled a bit and nodded his head.

"Yes ma'am. My shift is almost over when the night shifts guard comes I'll leave as soon as possible but are you sure? You don't want me to accompany you anywhere?".

"Yes. I will wait for a cab or maybe call my friend don't worry".

You smiled warmly and left.

Looking left and right you saw nothing but an empty road. Sighing you walked ahead thinking you might find a cab on the main road.

"Excuse me?".

You flinched as you felt a hand on your shoulder. Yenking that persons hand off you protectively placed a hand on your bump and backed off.

Looking at you that was ready to bust his ass he quickly raised his hands in surrender.

"Woah. I-.... I'm sorry. I was just wanted to ask you the directions".

Suspecting him for a minute. You slowly moved forward as he showed you his phone that showed some restaurant that was five blocks away from where you were. Telling him the directions you were about to walk away. Until

You felt a sharp object in your neck. You gasped and tired to move away but he held you tight.

"Move. Or else you know what will happen" he eyed you bump. Your breathing started getting heavier. You placed a hand on you bump and shaked your head. So close to cry.

"No please. I will move".

He slightly pushed you forward and walked you to a black van. You heart started beating fast and your thoughts were messed up.

"So this is it? Am i gonna die today?"

You turned and faced him. You held your hands together

"Please leave me. I-.. I'll give you money. Or maybe the gold things I have. Please I'm pregnant". You sobbed helplessly but that seem nothing to him.

"Lady. Get in the van". You thrusted the knife infront of you neck which made you move backwards and hit your back to the van.

You sniffed and nodded your head. He lowered his knife and opened the door.

There were some other guys too but had their faces covered and were wearing all black. You hesitated to get in but you had too.

Sitting there with holding your bag tight. You got an idea to call the police while they weren't looking but the smart guy who abducted you snatched your bag away from you and throwed it in the backseat.

He raised he's walkie talkie and said.

"Y/n was captured. Captain
I repeat Y/n was captured".

You raised your eyebrows and felt terrified cause these people know you.
They know your name and who knows what eles they know.

"Copy". As the voice came from the walkie talkie he lowered his walkie talkie and turned to look at you.

You were furious. You wanted to swear at him beat him to shit but not wanting anything bad for the baby. You controlled your emotions alot.

He passed you a water bottle. You questionablely looked the bottle and he knows that you won't trust him who knows whats in the bottle. Is it safe to drink?

He sighed and switched open the bottle and took a glup to prove you that it's okay.

And as you were thirst from breathing through your mouth you slowly took the bottle and drank half of it.

But wait. Why was he acting kind when he abducted you?


I love you cuties

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