Chapter 4

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You turned and saw
Jungkook's POV
I got up and left.Wait....why is she not coming. I waited. It started raining. I got in my car so that i wont get wet. Should i waaaaaait---ahh never mind lets go. I started my car then
"Jungkook go find her she's your soon to be wife. You should take care of her". The little angel inside me said.
"Jungkook-ah she is your soon to be wife but she ruined your life she deserves this leave her". The little devil inside me said.
"But jungkook,what if her parents ask her why did she walk in the rain. Maybe,She would say your name. Her parents will tell your parents about your bad behaviour. So, you better go and find her don't listen to him". The angel said.
Maybe he is right. I took the umbrella that was in the back seat and get out of the car. I took the opposite direction from where my car is i walk and walk. 
Then i saw the same small figure and the red shirt.
I walk closer to her.
"He's gonna make my life horrible"
Wait- Is she talking about me. I just place the umbrella over her head. She felt weird. She realised and turned and said.
I stare at her a bit. Then realised she was looking at me with anger. I just took my coat of and was about place it on her shoulders. She moved back. "I'm just doing this so that i dont get blamed ok". I gave her the umbrella.  She held it and i placed my coat on her. I grab her wrist and take her to my car and push her in.

Y/n's POV
There was complete silence on the way to home.
"Remember Im gonna marry you for the sake of my parents. I already love someone. So dont put your hopes high on me and dont fall in love with me". He said while focusing on the road 
"Why would i fall in love with someone who doesn't know how to treat a girl". I say confidently.
"People regret talking back to me and you,You slapped me. WOW BRAVE". He said
"What is wrong with you jungkook?. You are treating me like shit since the starting of our meet ". You said
"You're gonna be treat like shit after marriage too. Is there any problem?. I'm happy that you- I mean.........We are gonna live in other house. No one would be there only you and me. If you disagree and cancel this marriage now. Your fathers company will slowly come down but if after marriage if you utter a single word about the things i will do to you. I will divorce you. And you will come on the road homeless". He said and smirked.
I didn't say anything. I looked over the window side as a tear slipped my eye
"Y/n stop crying. If he see you crying. He's gonna think you are too weak too fight. You should be strong and stop crying. Dont be a crybaby".  I said to myself.  I was looking out. But after some minutes my eyelids became heavy and I slowly closed them went to sleep

Author's POV
He stopped his car infront of your house and looked at you. You already were fast asleep
"Y/n.......y/n........Y/N......wake up girl". He shakes you but he didn't knew that you were a heavy sleeper.  Jungkook got an idea to pick you up in his arms. But again he was having a debate with his little angel and little devil. As you know the angel won and he got off from the drivers seat and come to your side.
He picked you up and went infront of your doorstep and ringed the door bell with he's head
Ding dong
The door opened. Her worried mother looked at her as she slept in his arms.
"Where's her bedroom?". He asked quietly. Her mother pointed at the room door which was upstairs. He went upstairs and placed you on the bed. He looked at you. He felt something. Something different. His heart beating faster. He looked away and walked out of the room and came downstairs.
"What happened jungkook?". Her mother asked.
"Oh she likes to play in rain right. She played and fell asleep in my car". Lying. He never lied before.
"Oh.. she is 21 and acts like an 3 year old". She said and smiled.
"Oh Mrs.Kim please change her clothes. She will fall sick".
Caring. He hasnt done that in a while.
"Okay".  She said and held his hands and said. "Thank you for taking care of her.  Please take of her in future too".
He smiled and hugged her. He left and came out.
He sat in his car and and smiled. "Jungkook. What are you doing. Are you falling in love. Stop. She's is not a nice person she is only marrying you for your money. Stop caring. Idiot". The devil said.
He sighed and drove home.

Hi! Readers hope you like my story. Sorry for the late update 😬😬. I will give you a little hint. The next character is gonna enter in the next chapter.
Bye bye.  Take care everyone. Wash your  hands with soap everyday and also

@meanie_yoongles thanks for following me

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