Chapter 6

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Today's the day. You were standing infront of the mirror staring at yourself. You couldn't believe you were getting married.
A knock on the door made you come out of your thoughts.
"Come in".
The stylists came in. A familiar face caught your eyes.
"Jisoo-". That girl turned around and saw you.
"Y/n-". She ran to you and smashed her body on yours.

You,Jisoo,Jimin and Taehyung studied high school together but sadly Jisoo had to leave you and go because her dad got transferred. She was also by your side whenever you needed her.
Her family treated you like their own daughter. When she told you the news that she was leaving. You argued with her parents telling them that let her stay back but they didn't agree. When she left. You people used to talk and text but getting busy in life you both stopped doing that.

"I missed you idiot". She said while sniffing. You were in tears to seeing your bestie cry
You pulled away and looked at her. She is the same Jisoo from high school.
"You didn't change a little bit.You're the same". You said
"Look. I'm a professional makeup artist now". She said and made you sit on the chair.
"We have less time. I need to do your makeup".
You sat there as she started doing your makeup and the other stylist did you hair.

(A Few Moments later)

"And.......done". She said and scanned your face.
You stood and turn around towards the mirror to see yourself.
"I-Is this". You asked as you looked yourself.
"I did a great job. I'm so proud of myself right now". Jisoo said which made you laugh.
"You are right. You did a great job". You said which made her smile.
"I'm scared. What if i fall while I walk on my heels".
"Nothing will happen. If you fall you will definitely break your leg". She said which made you laugh.
"But the real question is. Where are my heels tho?". You asked while looking around.

Knock knock*

"Come in". You said.
"Y/n. Taehyungie told th-". He looked up from his phone which made him shock.
"Oh jimin. Right on ti-". He suddenly hugged you.
"I'm gonna miss you idiot". He said
"Jimin i cant fin-". "Jisoo?-". You were cut off. Jimin pulled away from you and ran to her and hugged her tightly.
"How are you jimin?". She asked as she put her hands on his back. " Yahhh- you idiot. I missed you". Jimin said to her.
You pulled jimin away from her and slowly whispered.
"Don't get sticky with her too much. Taehyung's gonna kill you".
He laughed at what you said
Which also made Jisoo curious.

Taehyung had a big crush on Jisoo. Whenever you said Taehyung to confess his feelings to her but he thought his confession will ruin their friendship. So he just waited for the right time to come.
But she left which made him sad. You always said him to move on but he had a faith that she will come back.

" Y/n I couldn't understand whi-". He stopped and looked up from the shoe boxes in his hand. The shoe boxes dropped from his hands. He wasn't looking at you. He was looking at someone behind you. He ran and hugged that small figure.
"Taehyung-ah.........I can't breathe". She said which made him pull way quickly. He scratched the back of his neck.
"How are you?". He asked while blushing. You and Jimin watched the scene controlling your laughter at how taehyung behaviour changed after seeing someone he has been waiting his whole life since high school.
"I missed you TaeTae". She said and hugged him. Which made you and jimin cringe at the scene.
A throat clearing voice made you all look at the direction.
He came inside. Now you had a full view of him.
"Jungkook......ahmm what...are". You asked confused at his sudden appearance in the dressing room.
He handed you a box. "My mom told me to give this you this". You opened it. A beautiful necklace and a little note.

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