Chapter 37

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Slowly walking down stairs while staring at your small bump. You sat on the couch and stared at the black screen of the TV. You were scared. You were afraid that the love of your life will leave you after what you confess. It's your fault. You said to yourself that you deserved it.

The door opened. You Shivered. Turning around, you saw your husband with his signature bunny smile on his face. You sobbed and ran into his arms. Jungkook hugged you tight. You were happy that he was back. You sobbed so hard. While he rubbed your back comforting you.

"Hey I'm back now. Why are you crying?". Jungkook said and wipped your tears. You were scared thinking that this might be the last time he'll be holding you like this.

"I just missed you alot".

Jungkook chuckled.

"I know baby, but now I'm hungry".
"I'll make us lunch. You go get a bath. You stink". You said playfully
Jungkook held his chest in a dramatic way. You giggled and walked away to cook.

Jungkook's POV

I missed my wife so much. Finally I'll take a week off and spend some time with her.

Taking out the small velvet box out of my pocket. I admired the ring I bought for her. Hope she likes it.

Putting it in the drawer that no one opens. I went off to take a bath.

Y/n's POV

I stared in space. I don't know what to do. How to explain it to him.

I gasped as I remembered that I kept my pregnancy reports in out closet. Turning off the stove. I quickly ran up stairs. Opening the door of out room, I quickly get the reports and search for a place to hide them. I turned and looked at the drawer that no one uses. I think and think.

I heard Jungkook coming. Without thinking twice again. I quickly put the files In the drawer and close it.

Jungkook comes out.

"Lunch Is ready". I said and faked my smile. I hate it.

Jungkook pulled me in and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss him back. I missed this. I tried hard not to cry.

Pulling away. I peck him once and walked out of the room to serve lunch.

Author's POV

Jungkook smiled at his wife's shyness. Quickly putting on his clothes. He thought that this was the right time to give Y/n the ring. He opened the drawer. But saw something eles.

He picked up the files. His heart was beating so fast. He shrugged it off. They were not his wifes. He was sure but when he saw the patient's name. He felt like his world was breaking. He felt anger and betrayed. They never slept in a sexual way together then how?

"You cheated?"..

Thats all that Jungkook thought.

Clenching the reports in his hand, he walked down stairs.

You were placing the plates on the table. You smile vanised seeing him in a different mood.

"Babe..Wh-". Jungkook cut you off by throwing the reports on your face.

"I trusted you with my whole life..and this is what I get in return?". He was shaking badly. With anger.

You quickly tried to explain him.

"No this is your child Jungkook".

"Stop lying! We never did it ".

"Jungkook please under-".

"Get out. Get out before I hurt you!". You stumbled back as he shouted. You covered your mouth not letting your sobs to fall out. Turning around. You walked out slowly.

"Fucking whore". He said
Your heart shattered. You deserved it you said to yourself. And ran out of the house. You ran and ran.

You ended up standing infront of a apartment. You shaky hands ringed the bell. You waited to the person to open the door.

You looked up at the person. Seeing your state he quickly let you in.

Falling down on the ground. You cried your heart out. You sobs were breaking the person standing behind you.

Slowly walking to you he wrapped his hands around you and hugged you tight.

"I deserved it yoongi. I deserved it". You said while sobbing hard.

Waking up, you looked around. Sitting up. You found yoongi working on his laptop.

"You are up?". You nodded your head.

Yoongi sat infront of you.

"What happened?".

"You fainted while you were crying". Yoongi said.

You sensed that he wanted a explanation.

"Whenever you are ready". He said and held you hand.

"I'm pregnant".

"That's a really good news Y/n!". His gummy smiled appeared. But you tears dropped.

"Jungkook doesn't remember the night we did it and thinks that I cheated on him while he was away". Your tears dropped on their own.

"How can't he remember?".

"He was drunk that night. I said let's do it when you are sober. He said he was not drunk. And that how it happened. He was all okay after our.... He even bought me a glass of water. How can't he remember?". You sobbed

"But I deserve it yoongi. He asked me what happened last night. I was the one who didn't tell him anything. Thinking that he might think bad of me. Thinking that he might think that I took advantage of his drunk state".

Yoongi hugged you. He never hugged anyone but when he saw how broken you were looking. He couldn't help but hug you. You tiny hands cluthed his shirt.

"Calm down Y/n. I have a idea".

You looked at him and your eyes shined knowing that yoongi's idea might clear everything between you both.

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