Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

My eyes opened and quickly looked at the clock hanging on the wall.
I turned to face Jungkook. His hair became messy,his mouth slightly parted showing his teeth..He loos like a.....bunny.
I smiled. Then my smile faded when yesterday nights scenes flashed in my mind. I shouldn't look at him or eles something will happen that he doesn't want. Its my first time getting attracted to someone. I never blushed,I never got gossebumps by someones touch. I will just stay away from him....Its better for me...because if I get attracted to much and fell in love he wont accept it and I will get hurt....I just dont want to get hurt. I sigh and walk to the bathroom.
I did my morning routine and walked downstairs to the kitchen with my phone.


I finished cooking and placed the cooked food on the plate and placed another plate over it so it doesn't gets cold. Why do I care?
I walk upstairs my head down looking at the ground feeling sad all of the sudden

And chin up.. dont look down other wise your crown will fall down

I bumped into a wall but a soft one....wait...wall? I look up.
My eyes met the sleepy ones. The eye contact remained for a second. I mumbled a little 'sorry' and went to our room to take a shower. He would be going down for breakfast. I took shower and wore black shorts and a black tee. I looked at the clock. He would've been gone to work. Wait... didn't he said that he wanted breakfast at 7:00...and I finished cooking at 6:00 and met him on my way to room at 6:00 too..

Uhmmm? Is this a problem?..

I shrugged it and dried my hair. I looked at the table for my phone...hmmm? Its not here. I think I kept it in the kitchen.I walked towards the door and grap the door handle.
The door opened from the other side at the same time and hit my head.
"Owww!". I shout from the pain and put my hand on my head. I move back. Jungkook came in and reacted quickly. His eyes wide open. He walked towards me
"Oh my godd-". He said and removed my hand from the spot where i got hurt and rubbed it softly with his hand. His other hand was behind my head.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't mean too". He apologised.
Why am I getting hurt physically. Is it 'hurt yourself day' today?
"Its okayy". I awkwardly whisper enough for him to hear and remove his hand from my head. I flash a smile and walk out of the room. Wait I shouldn't have smiled......oh goddd Y/n!.
I sat on the couch and watched my phone.
Did he eat?.. I turned around and saw no plates on the counter.
He ate...


It has been a hour and He is still upstairs.
The sound of feet tapping against the stairs was heard.
He came with his shoes in his hands and sat on the couch. I sat there not bothering him. He got up and stood still looking towards me. I looked at him.
"Umm......I'm going". He said. I looked at him with a unbothered look.
"Okay". I gave a simple reply and concentrate on my phone
He walked away the door opened and got closed.
I sighed.what should I do now?!. Hmm i will just eat something.

Layed on the couch,scrolling through my phone. All bored...

Ding Dong*

Atleast someone is here..
"Y/n!". They shouted and hugged me tightly. I smiled. Yoongi who was standing still pushed everyone and went towards the couch and layed down.
"What are you people doing here". I asked as they got inside.
"Yoongi said that we would visit you whenever we are free and today we were". Namjoon Oppa said.
"Jimin was missing you too". He added, I looked at jimin and
hugged him. They all sat on the couch
"My cupcake". Tae shouted and jumped on me.
"Hey you're hurting me". I say and hugged me tight.
"Behave Taehyung". Jin said but tae held me tight and pouted.
"She's mine". Tae said which made you melt at his cuteness.
"Now she's not your. She's someone's else 'mine' now". Hobi joked. I gave him a annoyed look and he everyone laughed exce-
"Yahhh- Can you people be quite!". Yoongi shouted and went back to sleep which made everyone quite.

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