Chapter 41

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You ring the bell. Nervousness took over. It has been 2 weeks since you last saw his face. What would he think?

The door opened. He was at home. He gave you both a curious look.

Jungkook sighed tiredly and let you in.

"Go,take a bath and get some rest Y/n". Yoongi said. You worriedly looked at yoongi but be smiled and nodded his head assuring you that leaving them both alone will be fine.

You got a little a visible bump now and the doctor said you shouldn't lift heavy things, don't climb the stairs and importantly eat healthy.

Your house had a spare room downstairs. So you decided to go in there instead of going up.

"She'll be living here. I know you won't like her presence but what if some people start to suspect?".

Jungkook thought and nodded his head. Whatever yoongi said was true because of his popularity. People might be spying on him or her. So it's better to let her stay here.

Yoongi knocked on your door. A small "come in" made him open the door.

"I just came to say i was leaving".

"I'm sorry but Can you do me one favour before leaving?".

"Don't apologise. Say...".

"Can you get me my clothes from our room. I can't go up and I can't ask him to get them". You explained.

Nodding his head, yoongi went upstairs and grabbed everything. It didn't take him to get everything in one go. He had to go up and down for more than 3 times.

"I'm sorry yoongi oppa". You felt overwhelmed for no reason. You felt like you were a burden. You stayed at his apartment and stole his room now this. It made you to shed tears.

"Hey why are you crying?".

"I don't know. Pregnancy hormones?". You said sniffed.

Yoongi chuckled and patted your head.

"You have a appointment 2 weeks from today okay. Take care of yourself and if you need any help, don't hesitate and call me hm?". You nodded your head and wiped your tears.

You woke up feeling hungry but you were hesitating to get out of the room. Eventually, you got up. You were carrying a baby and ignoring your hunger will effect baby the most.

"I'm sorry baby. Let's feed you something".

You said and carefully got up from the bed.

Walking out. You heard nothing. Maybe he was out or maybe he was in his room.
You walked in the kitchen. You were craving for something sweet and sour. You checked the cabinets. There was only a pack of ramyeon left. You sighed.

That wasn't healthy but you had nothing eles to eat.

You took out the bowl from the cabinet as you saw the ramyeon almost cooked.

Jungkook entered the kitchen. You nervously looked down.

You slowly raised your head and observed him. He was checking the cabinets.

"Shit did I cook the ramyeon that he was saving?"

He turned and looked at the pan on the stove. He glared at you. Annoyed by your presence he was about to walk out.

"Jungkook. You can have it".

You said and slightly pushed the bowl infront of him. His eyes only showed anger. He walked towards the bowl and yeeted the Bowl from your hands. You gasped as the hot noddles fell on your hand and stained the white maternity dress you wore.

You quickly rushed to the sink and washed your hand. A tear escaped your eye. It hurt you. Not your hand but it hurt you most in the heart.

He was still there. He's eyes soften hearing your sniffles but it quickly changed as he remembered what you did. You looked at him with your teary eyes. Trying to find your Jungkook. Who was so caring. Who was so understanding. But you said to yourself that you deserved it. You deserved it for hiding the truth.

"Fucking get out!". Jungkook shouted. You flinched and ran out of the kitchen.

Slamming your door closed. You sat on your bed and cried until you fell asleep.

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