Chapter 3

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You looked at that person
"He looks familiar"

You were surprised to see jimin because you told him on the call that you are out you will call later
You were about to walk to jimin. Then jungkook got a phone call
"Y/n". He said and showed you the caller id
",its my mom"

"Hello,jungkook-ah we forgot about the dinner"
"Ohhh-yeah we forgot about that"
"So,take Y/n to the nearby restaurant and have dinner okaay"

He hanged up the phone and looked at you and looks at the person that was standing behind you.
"Your mom said that we should go to dinner since we didn't eat there."
You hummed in response.You held jimin's wrist and dragged him to jungkook.
"Jungkook,he's jimin and jimin,he's jungkook"
"I am park jimin.Y/n's close childhood friend.". Jimin said and
forwarded his hand for a shake. He took his and said
"I'm Jeon jungkook.Y/n's soon to be husband"
You glare at him
"Why....!?? Cant you just introduce yourself like
Im Jeon jungkook. Why the soon to be husband".
You thought
"Didn't i tell you that I'm out and i will call you later. Why are you here..?". You asked jimin
"When I ended your call i got a call from your brother he told me that he wont come this month home he said maybe next month. I called you multiple time but you weren't lifting".
You checked your phone
26 missed calls from park chimchim
"So i called your mom and she said that you were on your way home.So i was waiting for you to come so that i can say you the bad news".
"I think my bad days came. This marriage and now that oppa won't come this month home."
"Y/n i think we should leave now". Jungkook said
"No no he's coming with us". You said
Jungkook sigh and went to his car. You dragged jimin along with you and hopped in.
At the restaurant
You people ordered some food and were waiting. Jimin and jungkook were sitting in front of each other and you were sitting in the middle side of the table.
They were staring each other like it was a staring contest. You were completely confused
"Why are they staring each other like that. Perhaps did they fall in lov- No Y/n how could that happen jimin is not a gay but i dont know about jungkook.................Wtf why would my parents get me marry to a gay"
(A few moments later)
The food came and you people started eating then
"So,Jungkook i came to know that this is an arranged marriage.So,i just wanna know that are you in any relationship or do you have any girlfriend?". Jimin asked him
Jungkook looked at him. "No I'm not in any relationship but why do you care? ". He asked cold tone to jimin
"I'm like.........a part of the family.I care because what if you cheat behind my princess back". Jimin smirked.
"Jiminie why are smirking?why are they cold to each other?.Do they know each other?.Or its because its an arranged marriage?"
Many thoughts were lingering your mind.
" what if i cheat.? What are you gonna do? You can do nothing".
"I can do nothing". Jimin scoffed and said "Don't forget you are the one and only son of the world wide famous company's CEO's son who would take over the company in few months. I know lot of reporters of famous news channel. If i say them that Mr jeon jungkook is cheating behind his wife's back. You and your company is gonna get a bad name".
You could do nothing. All you could do was see jimin's face and then Jungkook's face that's it.
Jimin excused himself because he got a call until returned there was complete silence.
"Princess I think i will take a leave. I have some work to do".
Jimin said and kissed your forehead and looked jungkook
"You better drop her safely". He said and left
You sighed and looked at jungkook and said 
"I'm sorry for his behaviour. He's just little bit overprotective ".
Jungkook was just staring at you and said.
"After marriage I'm gonna make your life hell because of you i broke up with my girlfriend. Your gonna regret your whole life for marrying me".
He got up and walked away. You also got but not to the way he went. You took another way and started walking home. You don't wanted to go with him
While walking you felt a water drop dropped on your face. You looked up in the sky and saw lightning
"Ohhh man its gonna rain now". You thought
You kept walking and it started raining.
"He's gonna make my life horrible". You said thinking of what will happen after you marry him
You felt like the rain stopped but NO someone have placed a umbrella over your head. You turned and saw

Finally jimin entered the story🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
I hope that you are liking or maybe loving the story
I know you people would be guessing who's gonna be Y/n brother right. I will include other BTS members in other chapter later ok.

Bye bye take care everyone stay home and be healthy

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