Chapter 11

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My eyes opened, when i looked around. The bed was empty he went to work I guess. I'll just bursh my teeth. I placed my one feet on the floor and other feet was folded up. So hopped to the bathroom.

I can do this. I was standing infront of the stairs thinking of how i should go down. I hopped through two stairs and foods aroma filled my nose...Is he still home?. There were still half steps left. When I looked at the figure cooking. My lips curved up in smile by themselves. When he looked up I flinched. He looks at me and remembers about my wound and joggs to me. He climbed the rest of the stairs and and lifted me like a baby and my legs wrapped around his thin waist and hands wrapped around his neck. His hand placed on my back while other was under. I would be blushing now. Gosh.
"You should've called me". Jungkook said his breath hitting my neck which gave me goosebumps.
"I...thought you went". I stuttered feeling weird
He placed me on the couch and lifted my wounded leg and placed it on the table.
I looked at the clock...hmm? 9:00.
He didn't go to work?. He went to kitchen and came out with a plate of food and handed it to me. Pancakes!.
I ate while he sat infront of me. He was using his phone. Silence,no one talked I finished eating. I think he sensed it and took the plate from me. My phone...its in the room.
I will just sit here and do something.

Ring Ring*

My phone....its ringing. I looked at jungkook he was already looking at me. I think he heard my phone ringing and got up to get my phone. He didn't go to work but why?.
"Her phone was in the room and we were sitting downstairs". He said. Did he answer the call. I looked at him my phone was placed on his ear. He came and handed the phone to me.
Jungkook's Mom.

"Ohh Goodmorning Mom". I said and smiled
"Ohh ne.....How are you Y/n". She asked.
"Im fine Mom...How are you and Dad".
"We are fine daughter. You stepped on broken glass jungkook told me. He told his dad he wanted a day off to take care of you". My eyes wide open. He didn't go to work for me?
"Ohh.....I thought he wasn't going early to work this day". I said and looked at him. He looked at me, his cheeks turned red I glanced away. Maybe he knew we were talking about him
Oh goddd.
"Y/n he's very caring. He told he shouldn't leave you alone". She said. Is this really?.
"...oh yea". I said dont know what to reply at this moment.
"Take care Y/n. Dont walk around okay". She told
"Oh ne eomma.. ".
"Bye bye. I will call you later".
"Okay byeee". I said and hanged up.

I sighed. He didn't go to work for me. Seriously?.
Do you really care Jeon Jungkook?
You're confusing me.

What should i do now. Maybe call someone...hmmm Jisoo!

I tapped on her contact id.

"Hello". She answered
"Hey whatsup. Whatcha doing?". I asked.
"Nothing". She said and sighed. Okayy somethings wrong.
"Whats wrong?". I asked.
"Its just.....How should tell you this". She said
"Okay first of all with is it about?".
"Its about a person". She said
"It Jungkook's party". She said.
"What?. The party was one day ago and you're telling me now". I shout.
"Dont say anything until I finish saying the story". She ordered.
"Ok fine. Now say what happened?".
"I was all bored at the party. So I went to the rooftop to look at beautiful view of night. It was cold but i still was standing there then someone placed a coat on my shoulders. That someone was Tae........I smiled at him and thanked him. It was all quite No one talked. He called out my name, he was staring at me. Then firstly he said he likes me since high school and then he said that no he fall in love with me...and th-".
"Aaaaaaaa...Im soo happy". I shout forgetting about jungkook sitting infront of me. I realised and looked him but he was busy using his phone.
"Listen...Stopp talking in the middle....he then...oh my god i should say this....Im such a bitch". She said. Oh godd what happened next?.
"He said he loves me. I..didn't reply him.....He moved forward....... and kissed me....I was so confused and pushed him". I heard her voice crack. Is she crying?
"He looked at me smiled with teary eyes. He said he was sorry and left". She sniffed.
"What should I do?. I didn't reject him, i was just confused". She added. What should i say.
"Do you wanna talk about it with him?". I asked
"I don't know....Can you help me?". She asked
"I felt it. I broke his heart...I'm..". She started crying. me.
"Heyyy its okay. Dont cry. If i be would okayy i would have ran to your house and would have comforted you".
"What happened are you okay". She asked while sniffing.
"Yea..I just stepped on a broken glass..and I am forbidden from walking". I answered.
"What do you feel about him?". I asked
"He...Tae is a good friend to me.....but in some part he feels like....more than a friend". She said.
"I can hear it you are confused. So what if Tae asked you for a reply for his confession what will you say?". I asked her.
"I will say him the truth that I am confused about my own feelings and say him that we can". She said.
"Ooooo". I said teasingly.
"Yea yea whatever". She said getting angry.
"Can you wait for a second I will call you back later". I said after getting an idea.
"Yea. Bye babes". She said and hanged up.

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