Chapter 34

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Opening the door of your mansion.
You walked in with a sigh.
Your dad forced you to go home since your mom was doing better. Lazyily you fell on the couch. You were tried.

But you had to do chores. The house looked uncleaned and dirty to you.
Getting up you walked up to your and jungkook's room to change your clothes.

Sweeping the floor with some fun music running through your ears you shaked your body and threw some moves.
It was fun though.

Even though you were drained. You decided to make some home made lunch and pack some for your husband.

Wiping the invisible sweat dramatically with your apron, you proudly looked at your presentation.

Fishing out your phone you texted your husband.


Made some home made
lunch for u. Omw to ur office <3

Thankyouuu wifeyy😚

It's my pleasure hubby😚

Isn't this the first time
youre texting me?🤨

Yes ig

Wah..gotta take a ss
And frame it👏🏻


Chucking lightly you removed your apron. Taking your phone and car keys with the lunch, you walked out with a smiley face.

You looked so happy.

Parking your car infront of the huge building you slammed the door shut.
Walking in while bowing at people. You directly walked to your husbands office. Lightly knocking on the door you waited for the approval.

"Come in". Said a deep voice from inside and it belonged to your husband.

Walking in with a smile you waved at Soobin who was standing there silently.

Jungkook raised his head and looked at you. Seeing you made him happy. Sitting on the chair infront of him. You placed the bag on the table.

"C'mon stop everything now and eat your lunch".

Listening to you like a obedient child Jungkook closed everything and waited while you opened all the boxes.

"Soobin come eat with your boss". You said with a welcoming smile on your face

Soobin waved his hand.

"No no it's fine Mrs.Jeon". His ears turned red from shyness

"Waee?..Come here side down". You called him

"Come soobin, you don't have to feel shy".
Jungkook said with his mouth full of rice.

"No Boss..actually I..have a date". He said shyly and scratched his nape

"Ohh..go go don't make her wait" You said

" You can do this. Hwaiting!!". You supported him as he ran out quickly.

"Kids these days are so cute". You chuckled and shakes you head

"What about me?". Jungkook asked you while poking his cheek with his finger and making a cute face

You giggled and squished his cheeks.

"By the way Y/n. Me and my old friends are meeting up today for drinks. So don't wait for me. I'll be late ok?".

Nodding your head, you packed up all the boxes and slided them in your bag

"Don't be too late. I can't sleep without your cuddles".
You faked a dramatic cry infront your hubby and pouted your lips

Seeing you act like a child. Jungkook's smile stretched even more showing his bunny teeth. Leaning in he gave you a multiple pecks on your pouted lips.
Your lips look tempting and he couldn't stop tho.
Pulling you towards him which made you to straddle his thighs. He desperately sucked you lips. You were lost too. You pulled his hair. You both were kissing eachother like animals.

Pulling away as you both were out of breath.

"Fuck..I can't get enough".

You giggled as Jungkook started kissing you more...


Hey cuties
I missed you 💜

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