Chapter 42

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You groaned feeling your head hurt. Messaging your temples, you walked inside the bathroom to do your morning routine.

Wiping your face with the towel. You gasped as you felt a sting on your hand. You looked at the bruise. You felt emotional but you controlled yourself.

"You can't be crying like that. Stop Y/n!".

Taking out the ointment from the cabinet. You applied it and wrapped a bandage around it.

Walking out, you changed your clothes and dropped your stained white dress in the washing machine.

The noddles and bowl were still there on the counter. You sighed and grabbed a kitchen towel to clean up the mess.

Wipping all the sauce and noddles hanging from the counter. You wiped off your sweat.

"Why am I so tired? I did nothing.".

Washing your hands you proceed to make yourself a sandwich.

Jungkook with steady steps walked out of the house and slammed the door shut which made the whole house to echo the sound.

You sighed.

"How long will it take to get the tests back? I'm tired of seeing him behave like this"

You were feeling so hungry but all the cabinets were empty. It was almost 7. You didn't dare to go out. You were sacred. You were Afraid that something might happen to your baby.

But you had no other choice. You don't wanna call your any friend. You don't want them to know about your situation yet.

Wearing your pants, you throwed on a long coat and tied the string on the front. Wearing a mask. You grabbed your phone and purse and walked out of the house.

"How much will that be?".

The receptionist told you the total amount. You looked at the bags. They looked heavy but you can't do anything. You looked at your bump apologetically and lifted the bags. You walked out slowly. You came here walking. You didn't dare to take a taxi.

"What if he kidnappes me?".

You were a overthinker and thinking about negative stuff was common to you but sometimes the overthinking helps. What if the imagined situation happens in real life?

It was cold. Your hands were cold and the bags weight hurt your hands more.
The bag slipped from your left hand.
You sighed tiredly. You couldn't even bend.

Suddenly a boy crouched down and picked up everything. You bit your lips in nervousness. Your hand reached to your purse and you clutched the pepper spray in your fist.

The mysterious boy had his face covered with a mask. He had brown eyes and fluffy hair covering his forehead.

"Are you okay ma'am?". He asked politely.

You didn't even realise that you were breathing heavily and we're covered in sweat.

The boy hesitated and held your shoulder.

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