Chapter 7

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You looked at jungkook. His expressions tells something different after talking to the boys.
You were confused. Something is fishy. You thought to yourself.
"Jungkook?". "Ohh what?". He asked.
"Lets go". You said he nodded. You said your last goodbyes and left.


Y/n's POV

The car stopped infront of a big house. I straighten myself. Jungkook got out So, i did it immediately too.
He's walking so fast. My dress was soo heavy that I couldn't even walk properly. He reached the door and opened it and turned around to take a look at me. I can see him getting annoyed. He sighed and walked to me. He took me in his arms. Which me made gasp at his sudden action.
"Heyyy put me down". I shouted.
He didn't listen and walked inside. He put me down. I just look around. He voice made flinch
"Sit down". He said and pointed towards the couch.
I do as he told. I sat down. He came and sat infront of me. He stared at me for a while.
"You should follow some rules if you want to stay in peace".
"Rules?". I asked him even though I remember that he told me about the rules things during our first meet
"Yes.Rules". "What Rules?". I asked and rolled my eyes.

"1. Do as i say
2. Get up early in the morning
3. Dont go out without my permission". I sighed in disbelief.
4. Never ever lie to me.
5. If i do or say anything,you shouldn't object ". He finished saying he's stupid rules.

"Understood?. And if you disobey any of these rules you will be punished". He said me and i just nodded my head.
"Hmm. Go and sleep in the guest room". He said which made me scoff. I just got up and went upstairs. When I opened the room door it had a big bed with rose petals on it. Which means this room was meant to be mine and jungkooks but-...whatever i went towards the next door. I tried to open it but...Locked.
I looked around for other rooms but every room was locked.
I went down where jungkook was sitting. He looked at me when I arrived.
"Every room is locked except yours". I said him. He looked disappointed and rubbed his temples.
"Dont worry jungkook. I will take the couch". I say.
"No no. You will sleep in my room with me"
"But jungko-". "5. If i do or say anything,you shouldn't object ". He cut me off. I just sighed. He got up went upstairs and I followed him.
When i entered the room. I immediately went to the bathroom and took a shower. I-...... Fuck i dont have my clothes with me.
I whine and looked around for a towel. I wrapped it around.
Should i go out or not......i sigh and opened the door.
Jungkook's head immediately raised up from the sound of door opening
He looked me up and down and smirked. I gulp. I was about to tell him about the clothes. He walked to me which made move back. My back hits the wall. He's hands trapping me. I gripped my towel tightly with one hand and one of my hand on his chest to maintain some distance.
"You did this on purpose.No?". He asked me
"Wh-what d-id i do on p-purpose". Why am i shuttering?
"Coming out in an towel. To show me your sexy curves".
Oh my goood. Did he just call me- or am i hearing things. My cheeks covered with pink colour from shyness but i never look down just trying to be in my normal state.
"I dont have clothes to wear". I say while looking in his eyes but his strong gaze made me look down. He moved back which made relief. My hands feel down. Ohh towel loosened and fell on the ground. Jungkook turned around immediately. I grapped my towel quickly and wrapped it around and turned around to face the wall.
I heard the door getting closed. So, I turned around to see a white sweater placed on the bed. No shorts..geezzz. I take and wear it. It stopped just on mid-tights. I just have my purse with me. I take my phone from it.

Knock knock*

I opened the door and moved aside. He gets in and i close the door. He went to take shower.
I sit on the bed and see any texts from anyone. But none.
He came out fully dressed in a white tee and black sweat pants.
He looks hot in normal clothes too. Wait whattt?
"Get up". He said which made me instantly stand.
He want to the other side of the bed and dusted all the rose petals down. I moved back as the rose petals were falling on my feet.
After he was done. He sat on his bed using his phone and i was doing the same too. I was tired af so layed down and was to dirft to my dreamland
"Y/n". He called. I hummed while being half asleep.
"I want my breakfast sharp at 7:00. Got it". He demanded.
"Okayy". I say and slowly my eyes got closed automatically.


Hello my to my non-existing readers. Sorry for the late update.hehehe its just author is too lazy to update.
If you are reading this and you stan jungkook.
You should read jikookie17 's fanfics becuzz......she/he writes amazing fanfics. I wanna ask you one thing
I read ever ff of your and now im waiting for your updates on sinful touch. Forbidden desire 1&2 was amazing and i just finished reading thirsty. I just wanna say. You are amazing.🤗🤗

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