Chapter 13

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Your eyes fluttered open. You looked around and your eyes fell on the clock. Your husband no more beside you. You heard the shower running in the bathroom. You sat up and started thinking of yesterday.

"Hmm..I felt safe in his embrace....thats very odd. I had this feeling only when mom cuddled me. Tskk. Jeon jungkook you are confusing me. You are-". Your thoughts got interrupted when you heard the bathroom door open.

There comes your husband water droplets falling from his wet hair. Only a towel wrapped around his waist. He stared at you while you admired him. A smirk fromed on his lips. You realised that you've been staring and looked away while your cheeks turned red. Being the bad boy he is he got an idea which made his smirk to curve more. He walked towards you and leaned downwards to your face. His breath hitting your face and your eyes widen. He smirked mentally and smiled innocently.

"Can you dry my hair please". He said handed you a small towel which you hesitatingly take while he sat very close to you.
You looked at him for a second while he stared at you which made your cheeks to warm up again. Then you started to dry out his hair while he admired you.

"She's so cute..That red little cheeks I want to pinch them and kiss them so badly but sadly i cant do that...wait that stupid rules i made for her. She wont say anything I guess. Ahh finally I- waaiiit.. whaaat am i thinking. Goshh stop thinking about her she....Noooo". Jungkook thought while he pouted which made you confused at his sudden change of the face expression.

"". You stuttered.
"Quit stuttering Y/n.....You were never like this". You thought

"Yea...I cant stay home more than....a day...I'm the main...person now". He said and you nodded and handed him the towel.
He want towards the closet that you both share and takes the clothes he's about to wear today.

"How can....he be cute and sexy at the same time.....goshh those abs....and toned chest......Girls would be drooling for him. I- Nooooooo. Stop stop...dont think about him". You thought.

You got up and went to the bathroom brushed your teeth and did your morning routine. You walked properly because the wound got little better. When you got out,you saw him sitting on the edge of the bed using his phone dressed up in a white shirt and a black Jacket on it with a black jeans. You took your phone while leaning on wall you checked the social media.

"Should I leave her here....alone in this house..I didn't hire any guards or maids...No one would here..what if someone breaks in..what if someone kidnap her...take her with you....No no you cant do that......Tell her to get ready you coward.....No no...tell her you-".

"Get ready". It slipped from his mouth but he acted cool.
"Why sho-".
"Dont you remember the rules?". He cut you off and got up and got closer to you. You looked down feeling weak to handle a staring contest with him.
"I re-". You were cut off
His slender fingers slided down to your chin and lifted your head.
"Look in my eyes when you talk to me Y/n". He said which made your cheeks to warm up and heart to beat faster than usual.
"I-...yes..I remember t-them". You stuttered
"And I said if you break the rule you would be?". He questioned.
"Punished". You completed his sentence and gulped feeling butterflies in your stomach.
"Hmm....What punishment Should i give?". He said and tapped his finger on his chin. While you stood there nervous of what he would do next. He laughed a little and gently pushed you which made your back to hit the wall. He traps you by putting his hands on the wall on the sides of your head. You nervously bit your lower and looked at him.
"Mayyybee....Should i spank you ?". He said which made your eyes to widen and shake head saying No.
"Maybeee shoul-".
"Sorry I wont break the rules". You said and looked down feeling shy but keeping a straight face and pouted.
He hummed in response and moves back. You raise your head to look at him.
"Now you know that if you break any of the rules. You know how you'll be punished". He said while you nodded your head and looked away.
"Get ready and come downstairs. Dont wear any shoes wear slippers". He said and got out of the room. When the door got closed you collapse on the bed. While a image of him spanking you formed in your mind which made your cheeks to turn red and shake your head,trying to get rid of the imagination.

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