Chapter 33

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"Yes Sir, We have organized Mam's stuff in this room" the maid answered your dad. Your Mother smiled at the maid. Thanking her.

Your mother was bought home after all the precautions given by the doctor. You felt happy but it kinda scared you thinking that will the nurse care about her? Will she handle her like a good and caring person?

You walked out of the room and sat beside Namjoon who had been sitting there doing some paper work.

"The nurse isn't here yet". You said gaining his attention.

"She will be here don't worry".

And the bell rang. Looking at him who was already looking at you. You got up and opened the door.

Panting and breathing heavily.
She bowed her head many times apologizing for being late.

You examined her and let her in. She looked worried and nervous.

Worried thinking that you people looked dangerous and might fire her on the first day.

Namjoon got up. He looked so professional. He never showed his kind side to new people. That scared her even more.

"Namjoon". He said and streched his hand towards her for a shake. But the scared girl did a 90° degrees bow and said...

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Kim Jennie".

Lifting her head and meeting Namjoon's gaze made her stiff. She was not new to this. She was scared. She wanted to say something but hesitated.

"I'm soory for being late Sir". She apologized. But Namjoon didn't say anything.

"Show her the room Y/n". He said and walked away. You gave him a warning look because he was being too much heartless. He winked at you and walked away.

"Hi Jennie. I'm Y/n. Namjoon's sister". You smiled at her which made her feel a little relief. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Nice to meet you Mam". She said and shyly smiled.
"Y/n. Call me Y/n". She smiled at your words. You looked so kind and sweet to her. Which made her a little less nervous and worried.

Opening the door. You stepped in and she did the same.

Jennie looked at your mom carefully. And then smiled at her.
"Nice to meet you Mam. I'm jennie". She was cute. Soo cute.
"Nice to meet you too young lady. You must be my nurse".
"Yes I am. I will be taking take care of you Mam". She said and checked the list of medicines and other things.

"Ill be in my room if you want me". You said and walked out of the room.

Author's POV

Jennie sat on the bed beside your mother. Looking at her as she fell asleep. She smiled warmly. She got up and accidentally knocked a cup off. Gasping she looked at your mother but thank good she was in deep slumber. Kneeling down Jennie started picking up the pieces.

The door opened. She looked up and found  herself star stuck by the persons handsomeness.

His eyes...were almond-shaped eyes with monolids.
His lips...they look very shapely and are very pleasant to look at...He had the most sinful lips you've ever seen in your life. His bottom lip were slightly thicker than his top lip.

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