Chapter 15

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Turning and tossing you wake up. You looked at the person sleeping beside you.

"So....Can we be friends?".

You smiled remembering his words. You removed the pillow that was placed by him yesterday night between you and him.

You moved closer and admired his face. His messy hair covering his forehead and little bit of his eyes. You moved your hand forward to move the hair that was covering his eyes.

Last night was very awkward for both of you.
After having a homemade dinner you both went directly to sleep.
No talking. You knew he felt weird after asking you to be his friend.

You stayed like that,staring at his face and your eyes went to his lips.
Soft and pink lips. Making you imagine how would they taste.
He sounds asleep.

"Ohh godd what are you thinking Y/n. Dont even think of kissing him......what are you doing are you already falling for him?".

You moved your head forward. Your mind and your heart saying you not to but your body doesn't stop from moving forward.

Your face just stopped right infront of him. Just one inch gap. You cup his face with one of your hand slowly.

"You're a good person Jungkook. Dont know what happened to you makes you think that I married you for your money but maybe you realised that I didn't marry you for that. My heart beats faster when I'm around you. Do you feel the same?". You asked,then you remembered he was sleeping So you giggled.

"I dont know, I just don't trust you yet. Maybe I am already falling for you but I cant admit that. See how idiot I am,talking to you about my feelings when you are sleeping and not talking to you when are right infront of me sitting and doing your work". You smiled,he hasn't moved. You sighed moved your hand.

"You girlfriend was lucky to have you but I'm not". You said and got up for going to bathroom. You looked at him one last time seeing him if he is awake or not. Seeing him sleeping soundlessly. You entered the bathroom and closed the door behind you.

But little did you know...........
Jungkook was awake the whole time.

You were in the kitchen cooking breakfast for Jungkook.

"Good morning". He said his sleepy voice which makes you look at him and smile.
"Good morning". You said and looked down remember the things you did this morning.
"How was sleep?".
"Hmm.Good". He said and sat on the chair that was placed near the kitchen countertop and laid his head on it.
You placed the plate infront of him as he raises his head and looks at you and smiles with half closed eyes. You nod your head and went to the fridge to get the banana milkshake that he drinks everyday but didn't find any.
"Noo banana milkshake in the fridge". You announced. He looked at you and nodded his head.
"I drank the last one yesterday". He said.
"Hmm.I'll go to grocery shopping after you leave,is that alright?". You asked while placing your hands on your hips.

"Oh okaayy". He said
"". You asked and looked down removing your hands from your hips

"Noo what if he thinks that I married him-......oh goddd....please don't think that". You thought

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