Chapter 46

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Jungkook's Pov

The house felt empty as soon as I walked in. Yea Y/n isn't home i guess.

Removing my blazer, placed it on the couch and removed my shoes. Sitting there all i did was zone out and think about the memories of me and Y/n.

Sighing, i decided to make myself something cause I've been starving since morning until i heard the bell ring.

Walking over i opened the door and was surprised to see the visiter.

"Yoongi Hyung?".

"Jungkook. Can I come in? We need to talk".

"Sure". I let him in and closed the door. Seeing the papers in his hand made me nervous. Y/n isn't home..what if tho-

"Jungkook. Come, sit". I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over to the couch.

"Do you want anything to drink?".

"No. Thankyou".

Sitting opposite to him. I waited for hyung to talk.

Yoongi hyung pulled out his phone and slided on the table. It was a video he wanted me to look at. Picking it up i played it.

It was me in the club where I went to meet my high school friends.

"Now, concentrate on the part where the person beside you drops his glass".

Yoongi said which made me look into the video carefully.

The girl beside me slipped something in my drink.

My eyes widen. After that she tried to take me somewhere but Someone pulled me away from her. That person looked familiar.


My eyes soften. He saved me from something very horrible. Taehyung pulled me out of the club and the video ended there.

"So. You were drugged. That's why you don't remember anything and the day you got taken your samples I also asked for your blood samples cause the traces of drugs stays in our blood for long time. It was difficult to find out any drug traces from your blood because it was already days after the incident happened but Jin hyung maganed to. You were drugged with a highly effective drug".

The information was very hard to accept. I was drugged?

"And somehow it didn't really effect you. Cause some people give less reaction to some drugs. You and Y/n....."

Hyung sighed. It seemed like he was having difficulty to talk about it.

"Had sex. She said that you looked sober and not that drunk. And here..".

He slide the files on the table.

"The tests. It's positive. The baby Y/n's carrying is yours...and hers".

I opened the reports and everything around me spinned. I felt dizzy. The tests were truly positive. My eyes stinged. Tears threatening to fall. Leaving a ouff of breath from my mouth, i tried to control my emotions.


"She went for her monthly checkup".

Nodding my head. I tried to process everything.

"That lady in that video was already arrested. Don't worry". Yoongi hyung said.

"Thankyou Hyung".

"Look Jungkook. Y/n loves you alot. She wants everything back to normal and i know you do too. So try to remember, its hard but try to remember what happened that night.".

"I tried hyung but all I see is blank". I sighed sadly. It was really hard.

Yoongi hyung sighed and nodded his head. Getting up he silently said he's gonna leave. I nodded my head and pressed my temples trying to ease the dizziness.

Deciding to take some nap, I walked up to my room until

My head started spinning which made me close my eyes instantly. And some things appeared.

"I love you Y/n".

"I love you Jungkook".

"Jungkook can you get me some water".

"Yes baby".

Opening my eyes wide. I walked to the bed and stared at it.

Closing my eyes I tried to remember something and all i could see was i strocked Y/n's hair as she fell asleep.

Again I felt everything spin around me.
How am I gonna make it up to her? How am I gonna apologies to her?

She doesn't deserve me.


I love you cuties

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