Chapter 9

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Hmmm...when are we gonna reach.
"Jungkook. How far is this place?". I asked annoyed
"Its ju-". He was cut off. "You've reached your destination sir". The driver said. I felt happy but soon my happiness faded.
I've never been in places like this before. I should calm down.
Okayy cool down... breath.. inhale..exhale..inha- okayy this is not working.
The door was opened by the driver. Jungkook got up but looked at me.
"Y/n just calm down". He said and got down. I heard screams.
Gosh he have fans tooo. Yeaa.. who can resist this hot man.. wait what??.
"Y/n". I heard him calling my name. He forwarded his hand. I kept his words in my mind

You are just overthinking okay and dont mind what people say.

I gave him my hand and got down. Screams.
I feel like a celebrity now. I smiled
Jungkook held my hand tight. While the photographs took our photos. He slided his hand from mine and kept it on my waist.
His touch gave me goosebumps.
New feeling........

"Y/n-shi you look beautiful".

I look at the direction from where the voice came.
I look down and smiled. He was right i was just overthinking.
Then Jungkook waved at side where his fans were standing and we both walked in.
I sigh in relief but it was not over. There were photographs inside too. Okay. Act cool. I held Jungkook's arm. He looked at me and smiled. I looked down and smiled.I dont know? His smile makes me smile.

One more new feeling.....

We went forward. Thank god its over. I look around.. jisoo where are you?ahh there you are..
But Jungkook was there with me and he is the main thing of the party...hmm...
"Y/n". I looked at him. "Are you okay?". He asked me. I just nodded my head like a small kid.
Even though i wore heels i look like small kid infront of him.
He then dragged me towards jisoo... I thought i was going to sit with jisoo but we passed through her. My eyes meet jisoo's. She smiled I made a sad face and look forward.
We both sat on the front table from where jisoo was sitting.
I looked at jungkook and poked his arm. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.
"Can i go there?". I pointed towards jisoo table.
He looked at the direction where I pointed. "Okay just for 10 minutes. The party is gonna start". He said. I smiled and happily walked towards her. I sat down.
She smacked my head."Ouchhh heyy what was that for". I pout.
"That for pushing me on tae". She said
I sheepishly smiled. We both talked for a while.
I saw my in-laws walking towards the table where jungkook was sitting. I should go greet them.
"Jisoo my in laws are here i will meet you later ok". I say and waved her she nodded.
I was walking soo fast that made me trip. I closed my eyes knowing that I will be in the contact with the floor in seconds but someone caught. I opened my eyes.
"Clumsy". He said which made me smile.
"Jimin!". I shout and hugged him. When I pulled away my eyes meet jungkook. He looked angry.
" in-laws are here i will meet you later". I said and left
Without waiting for his reply.

"Y/n!". Mrs.Jeon probably now my Mom shouted and hugged me like a daughter. I smiled.
"How are you Mrs&Mr.Jeon". I ask
"Heyy call us Mom&Dad". She said and smile.
"Hmm...I will keep that in my mind now". You said
"Y/n". Dad (Mr.Jeon) called me. He hugged me. I hugged him not wanting to disappoint him. I pulled away and smiled.
"You look beautiful daughter". Mom (Mrs.Jeon) said which made me smile.
"I should go on the stage now". Dad (Mr.Jeon) said and smiled and left. I,Mom(Mrs.Jeon) and jungkook sat down.
I wonder are my Mom and Dad are here . "Jungkook are my mom and dad invited?". I asked him. He looked at me and nodded.
Okayyy. I will look around.....hmm.. are they nono.......
Then my eyes meet my moms. She was sitting two tables away from us.I waved and smiled. "Where's dad". I mouthed. She pulled dad because he was out of my sight. I waved at him and turned around.
"Good evening everyone!". The host said " Everyone looks curious for why Mr.Jeon organised this party. Its because he wants his son Mr.Jeon jungkook to over the company. Jeon jungkook please come up. Everyone!". Jungkook walked up and everyone applauded for him. He sat beside dad (Mr.Jeon).
"Wahhh- You are good looking Jungkook-shi". The host said.
"Ohh thankyou". Jungkook thanked him
"So We heard that you got married recently". The host said
" I got married yesterday....My wife..She's here today". Jungkook said and pointed his hand towards me. Everyones head turned where I was sitting. Ohh my god.. all stares on me. I blush.
"Y/n-shi please come one the stage". The host said. Huh?
I got up walked towards the stairs of the stage. Jungkook instantly got up and come up to hold my hand incase I trip. Okay
"Please stand here sir and mam" the host said.
The photographers started taking photos. Jungkook kept his hand on my waist which made my cheeks to warm up. Goshh.
"Thank you so much Sir and Mam. Please sit down".
I sat right beside the chair of jungkook but Jungkook didn't sit. He stood infront of me. He looked around and called one of the staff. The staff came quickly. Jungkook said something in his ear and the staff left and come back with a
Small blanket......
Oh shit I forgot i was wearing a short dress. He took the small blanket and layed it on my lap hiding my legs. I smiled and mouthed thank you to him.

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