Chapter 40

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As yelling sounds throughout the house, my eyes slowly open and I groan in frustration.
"What the heck is going on?" I grumble as I slowly lean up from the bed, and the yelling continues from downstairs.
"Hope is angry," Lexis states the obvious, while I get up from the bed and depart from the room, heading downstairs to see what all the commotion is about.
"No! I told you specifically what to do and you ignored me!" Hope growls at Rowan and he sighs with his arms crossed over his chest while he stands in front of her.
"Whats going on?" I groan running a hand through my hair as they both look over at me.
"This idiot won't listen to me!" Hope growls and Rowan rolls his eyes.
"I'm not going to listen to you, when you keep yelling at me," Rowan admits shrugging and I groan louder.
"Okay that's enough!" I growl when they both go quiet and look at me shocked.
"At least they finally shut up," Lexis chuckles.
"Enough with the fighting. You can both communicate regularly or don't talk to each other at all, because the fighting is giving me a massive headache," I admit and they both sigh before looking at each other.
"I'm sorry Rowan," Hope mumbles.
"It's fine, I have to go do some stuff anyways," Rowan says before taking his leave out of the house.
"Next time Hope, don't resort to yelling," I tell her as I walk past her and head out to the back yard.
"Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" Drew asks after his arms wrap around my waist and his head lays on my shoulder.
"I slept okay, how about you?" I smile softly closing my eyes the sun warming my face.
"I wasn't able to, had to keep watch duty last night," Drew admits when my eyes open up and I spin around facing him.
"Nobody else could've been on watch?" I ask and Drew sighs.
"All the guys had stuff going on, and Hope was bitchy so I didn't want to ask her," Drew shrugs and I roll my eyes.
"Shannon busy too?" I ask and Drew nods.
"Ughh," Lexis groans.
"I could've stayed up with you," I blurt out ignoring Lexis completely.
"No, you needed sleep," Drew smiles booping my nose softly.
"Go do that somewhere else," Ashton groans as we look over and see him watching us from the woods in his wolf form.
"It's called love, Ashton," I chuckle snuggling into Drew's chest making Ashton groan more.
"Okay well you two have fun, I'm gonna go for a run," Ashton groans rolling his larger eyes before taking off running.
"I love teasing him," I laugh slightly earning a chuckle from Drew.
"He's not much of a lovey dovey guy," Drew admits and I nod in agreement.
"I love you so much Drew, thank you for everything," I whisper softly and his heart pace speeds up.
"I love you too Clarissa, and I can't wait to marry you," Drew softly admits kissing the top of my head.
"I can't wait for the wedding, but the honeymoon! Ooh that'll be good," Lexis blurts out and instantly my face flushes red.
"Lexis! Stop that," I giggle nervously while Drew runs his fingers through my hair.
"You're amazing Clarissa, so amazing," Drew whispers and I hold onto him tighter, snuggling as close as possible. This man is my life, my world, I don't know what I'd do if I lost him.

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