Chapter 22

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I slowly open my eyes to find I'm cuffed to a chair so I look around, and see the two guys who took me are talking to a couple of other people.
"You're still wounded," Lexis says and I groan.
"I know that Lexis, now stop stating the obvious," I say groaning again feeling the bullet still in my chest.
"We really need to remove the bullet," Lexis says when the guys see me awake they decide to approach me.
"Look who finally decided to wake up," One growls.
"I'll kill you," I warn glaring at him when he bursts out laughing.
"You can't do anything being wounded!" He announces.
"Want to test me?" I ask growling and he slowly backs up.
"Maybe we should put her in a cage," He says to another guy.
"The chains will work fine," The other guys says.
"We need to get back to Charity," Lexis admits.
"You want to help me break out of the chains then?" I ask and she groans.
"Fine I'll do it," Lexis says as I let her in control and she sighs.
"Are you sure we shouldn't put her in a cage?" He asks again.
"I'd love to have you guys put in a cage," Lexis says as she rips free from the cuffs attacking everyone of them at a time until all of them are on the ground.
"You want the bullet out yet?" Lexis asks.
"Just pull it out then let me back in control," I admit when she digs for the bullet in my body's chest and then pulls out it, and then let's me back in control when I hold back the tears.
"That really hurts," I admit whimpering.
"You glad I got it out though?" Lexis asks.
"Yes I am, thanks Lexis," I say
"Ah no need to thank me. Let's just get out of here," Lexis says as I start walking to an exit.
"I'll start tracking Charity once we get outside," Lexis says. Once I get to the exit I push open the door feeling the breeze hit my face.
"Can you sense her anywhere?" I ask.
"Yeah she was headed north and so were some of Darwin's men after her," Lexis admits when I growl.
"We have to get to her before they do," I admit when I slowly change holding out in pain because of my wound.
"You're stretching the wound Clarissa!" Lexis yells at me.
"I don't care! I need to get to Charity and this is the quickest way to do it!" I admit. Once I've fully changed I take off running North to find Charity and make sure she's safe.

Charity's POV
"Crap!" I yell swerving to make sure Darwin's men's car doesn't hit mine to run me off the road.
"Do you need assistance Charity?" Carla asks and I growl.
"Yes I need help Carla!" I yell admitting as I speed up when they swerve behind me speeding up as well.
"Clarissa's on her way right now!" Carla announces when I look in my rear view mirror seeing a golden blonde wolf running into view.
"Ask Clarissa to get them off my back!" I yell.
"Clarissa or Lexis if you can hear me get those guys off our back!" Carla yells when I hear a response.
"On it," Clarissa says running faster towards Darwin's men's car.
"Thanks Rissa!" Carla says when Clarissa runs up beside the car and body slams it off the road while continuing running after our car.
"I'll be stopping at a car shop ahead so you can change back to your human form there and get dressed," I say.
"Thanks Charity," Clarissa says.
"No thank you Clarissa," I admit. When we finally arrived at a car dealer shop Clarissa changed back and got dressed.
"We need something new," Clarissa admits.
"What do you mean new?" I ask and Clarissa smiles.
"Let's get us a new ride so Darwin's men can't catch us in car chases," Clarissa says.
"What kind of car were you thinking?" I ask and she grins at me.
"How about a Ferrari?" Clarissa asks.

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