Chapter 31

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"Hell yeah! Let's get stuff done!" Lexis yells as I lean up from the bed looking around in the room for anybody, but I'm alone.
"Somethings going on," I mumble as I slowly get up from the bed and look around for my clothes so I can quickly get dressed.
"What do you think is going on?" Lexis asks when I finally find my clothes and start getting dressed.
"I don't know, but all I know is something bad is going to happen and I need to stop it," I admit and Lexis growls.
"If you need anything from me just ask," Lexis says and I smile as I'm fully dressed.
"Good, cause I'm going to need all the help I can get," I admit as I walk towards the door and open it, and a doctor stops himself quickly before running right into me.
"What are you doing up? That shouldn't even be possible," He gasps as I growl at him.
"Where'd my sister go?" I ask glaring at him when he gulps before he answers.
"She went running off outside with a man," The doctor admits and I softly smile at him.
"Thank you. Now step aside so I can go get my sister," I warn as he quickly steps aside and I take off running through the hospital until I find the exit and make it outside.
"Charity no!!" I hear a voice scream when I look over and see one of Darwin's men punching Charity in the stomach.
"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" My voice roars as I take off running towards him and he lets go of Charity as I tackle him to the ground punching him over and over again.
"Clarissa stop!" Ashton growls as he pulls me off the now dead wolf.
"Get off me!l I growl as I pull away from him and turn around to face him.
"What is wrong with you?" Ashton asks when instantly my eyes flicker behind Ashton to see Charity being stabbed through the chest by another guy.
"No!!!" I scream as I push past Ashton and the guy takes off running when Charity falls to the ground. When I reach her I grab her and lay her head in my lap.
"Oh this sucks," Charity groans coughing as blood soaks her shirt.
"Don't even start that shit Charity! Your not going to die on me. Promise me!" I yell and she smiles slightly.
"I can't promise you anything Clarissa," Charity admits.
"I'll get the others!" Ashton admits as he stands up and takes off to go get everyone else.
"You can't leave me," I whisper and Charity sighs knowing she's failed me.
"I'm sorry Clarissa, but I don't think I'm gonna make it," Charity admits coughing again harder this time.
"What about me niece or nephew?" I ask tears now welling up in my eyes.
"It's okay Clarissa, the baby will be with me. Don't worry," Charity sighs laying a hand on her stomach feeling the baby kick a couple more times, before it eventually stops and tears roll down her cheeks.
"You can't leave me," I cry as tears escape down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry little one, and I'm sorry Clarissa. I..I love much," Charity says as her eyes slowly close and her hand falls off her stomach.
"Charity no!! No please! Don't leave me!!" I scream as I hold her lifeless body crying and rocking myself back and forth. When Ashton finally arrives back with the others I'm sitting away from Charity's body, holding my legs tightly up against my chest tears staining my cheeks.
"Oh my god," Kalian whispers shocked to see Charity dead. I hear footsteps make their way towards me and when they bend down to my length Drew is watching me with worry in his eyes.
"Clarissa?" Drew asks and I look at him in the eyes, my eyes all red and puffy.
"Just leave me alone," I whisper as I continue rocking myself.
"We should head home. We can bury Charity there," Drew says and I whimper hearing the word bury.
"I...I don't want to move," I admit.
"Ok, I won't make you go anywhere. We'll take Charity back to the house and when your ready to come to the house you can," Drew says as he stands up straight and walks away from me towards the others.
"Should we take Charity?" Hope asks and Drew sighs.
"We can't leave her here," Drew says as someone pops open the trunk and I hear them pick up Charity's body and carefully set her in the back, and then I hear the trunk close.
"Just come home when your ready Clarissa. I won't force you," Drew says as everyone hops into the car and they drive away while I sit there anger boiling in my veins I think of what I should do to avenge my one and only sister who is now gone.

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