Chapter 34

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"Where have you guys been??" Cody asks as we enter the house and I shove my hands into my pockets.
"We just went out for a walk and had a little bit of a serious talk," Drew admits and I clear my throat so I don't burst out laughing.
"Where's Shannon?" I ask and Hope sighs.
"She's upstairs thinking some stuff over," Ashton admits as Alexander plays with his phone.
"So.....what were you guys talking about?" Kalian asks raising an eyebrows towards me.
"Kalian don't push them into telling you," Rowan warns and Kalian sticks his tongue out at Rowan.
"Ah no need for you guys to fight about stupid stuff," Jaxton adds in and they both glare at him.
"Stay out of it Jaxton!" Rowan and Kalian growl in unison.
"Okay guys calm it!" I growl and they all turn and stare at me unexpectedly.
"You okay Clarissa?" Drew asks and I shake my head.
"No! I'm not okay and you guys aren't helping. I just need to go lay down," I admit as I start heading towards my bedroom to go and lay down.
"You want me to come?" Drew asks and I sigh.
"No. I just need some space if that's okay," I admit as I head upstairs slowly walking the hallway to my bedroom.
"I miss her Lexis. I just need my sister back," I admit as tears well up in my eyes.
"I miss Charity too, and I miss Carla," Lexis sniffles.
"I remember the day I told Charity I couldn't wait to get engaged, cause she's be the first person I would tell. And the day I marry that she'd be my maid of honor," I whimper as a few tears slide down my cheeks, and I quickly wipe them away.
"We will never forget, and we will avenge her death like you promised," Lexis growls as I sniffle and enter my bedroom closing the door behind me and sliding down to the floor.
"Charity and the little one will be avenged. I will kill everyone of Darwin's men," I growl and I can feel Lexis smiling.
"You've got me to cover your back. We will do this while planning for our wedding," Lexis admits as I stand up and head over to the bed and sit down on it.
"After this wedding planning and everything starts to calm down, we will take a trip and go hunting for all his men, and end this once and for all," I admit growling, balling my hands up into fists.
"Yes that's what we will do, but right now we need to lay down and rest," Lexis says and I sigh as I lay back onto the bed staring up at the ceiling.
"Thank you for sticking by me all this time," I smile and Lexis laughs.
"Where would I go? I'm stuck with you!" Lexis announces and I chuckle softly.
"I guess that's true, but still thank you for everything Lexis. Keeping me safe, watching my back and always being my best friend," I admit and Lexis sighs.
"You're welcome Clarissa. Now get some rest," Lexis says as I slowly close my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

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