Chapter 5

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"I'm so nervous," I admit as me, and Alexa walk back to my house.
"You'll be fine Clarissa! As long as you stay calm you'll be perfectly fine," Alexa smiles as she slings her arm over my shoulder.
"I guess you're right. I just have to stay calm," I sigh as we get to my house.
"Bye Clarissa see you tomorrow," Alexa hugs me goodbye as she runs back home, and I go inside seeing my dad sitting at the kitchen table.
"So what were you, and Alexa talking about?" Dad asks me.
"Just some girl stuff why?" I lie.
"Do not lie to me Clarissa!" Dad growls as he gets up standing in front of me.
"I'm not lying!" I lie once again, and he slaps me across the face right when tears well up in my eyes.
"Tell me what you two were talking me about! Now!" Dad growls as I whimper.
"About Drew ok?! I told her about him! Now leave me alone!" I kinda tell the truth I kinda still lie as I run upstairs to my bedroom slamming the door behind me. I lay down on my bed stuffing my face into my pillow as I cry.
"Hey don't cry! I don't care if he slapped you are not!! You have a date tonight! Get up, and get ready for you date with Drew tonight!" Lexis announces.
"I'm not going," I admit tears still sliding down my cheeks.
"I'll force you to go if I have to," Lexis warns.
"Fineee! I'll go. Just let me get ready first," I groan in defeat as I lean up wiping away my tears.
"Yay!! I can't wait to see him again!" Lexis announces excitedly.
"Yea yea whatever," I chuckle lightly as I get off my bed walking to my bathroom to get ready.
"Just a movie, and dinner so not to dressy, and not to casual," I mumble to myself as I finish up with my hair, and makeup, after I took a shower. Once I got finished doing my hair, and makeup I walked over to my closet picking out something to wear. When I found an outfit Lexis started squealing saying that it was "the" outfit so I got dressed trying it on while Lexis freaked out the entire time.

This is Clarissa outfit, but that's not her^^"Wow it's gorgeous," I smile as I spin around looking at each inch of my body

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This is Clarissa outfit, but that's not her^^
"Wow it's gorgeous," I smile as I spin around looking at each inch of my body.
"Holy mother of cow!! You're so hot Clarissa! My god I wonder what Drew will say about you!" Lexis announces.
"Thanks Lexis," I admit as I smile, and in an instant there's a knock on my window. I look over to see a smiling Drew telling me to open my window by pointing down at the lock. I chuckle as I unlock the window opening it, and letting Drew crawl in as he brushes himself off looking up, and seeing me in my outfit.
"Woah. You look amazing," Drew smiles as a tint of pink creeps onto my cheeks.
"Thanks. You look good as well," I smile as I see him in a plain black suit with a white button up shirt and, with a black tie as well, and nice black shoes.
"Go already!! I wanna see where he's gonna take you!!" Lexis announces excitedly.
"So where are we going?" I ask as we both crawl out the window, and I shut it as we crawl down my roof walking down the sidewalk to this amazing black Cadillac Escalade.
"Oh my gosh that's amazing!" I gasp as he opens my door for me as I get inside, and he shuts the door walking around to his side getting in, and shutting his door after him.
"Yes it is, but it's my dad's. He said I could borrow it just for tonight," Drew chuckles as we both buckle, and he starts it up as he drives us to our destination somewhere random.

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