Chapter 11

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Once we get inside the house a pair of warm arms pull me away from Alexa as they wrap around my waist, and my back is against a guys body for sure.
"Clarissa is it?" Cody asks.
"Getting a little to comfortable aren't you Cody?" I ask.
"But you're so warm! Just a little while longer," Cody announces as Drew growls making Cody let go of me.
"Cody. I said no touching girls," Drew warns while Cody rubs the back of his head sheepishly.
"Sorry," Cody apologizes.
"Don't apologize Cody. Drew is a pain in the butt," Ashton says drooping his arm over Cody's shoulder.
"All guys are such pains," I admit as I grab Alexa's hand walking up to all the bedrooms.
"So where is you're room Alexa?" I ask.
"I'll be sharing one with Chase. Where's yours?" Alexa asks me.
"Uh..that's a good question," I reply.
"We'll be sharing a bedroom if that's ok with you Clarissa," Drew says as Alexa says goodbye heading to her, and Chase's room while me, and Drew walk to our room.
"Yea..I guess that'll be ok," I say as Drew opens the bedroom doors revealing the amazing master bedroom.
"Do everyone get master bedrooms?" I ask Drew as I look around the room.
"No. Only people who share a room get a master bedroom," Drew replies.
"There's only one bed?" I ask a tint of pink creeping onto my cheeks.
"Yes. Sorry about that. I'll sleep on the floor if you want," Drew says.
"No! I mean no. It'll be ok I'll feel bad if you sleep on the floor," I reply.
"Alright. I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back soon," Drew says walking to bathroom connected to the bedroom shutting the door behind him, as I plop onto the bed.
"What is wrong with you Clarissa!?" Lexis yells asking me.
"It's not my fault! I was nervous," I admit as Lexis sighs.
"Just stay calm when he comes back out then go, and take you're shower after he leaves the bathroom," Lexis says.
A knock come from the door. Then I hear Kalian's voice.
"Can I come in?" Kalian asks from the other side of the bedroom door.
"Sure come in," I reply right as he opens the door seeing me, and instantly smiling.
"You seem upset Clarissa? What's up?" Kalian asks walking up to the bed, and sitting down right beside me.
"Everything is wrong. My sister Charity was coming to visit me, then Darwin came into town, and now I'm stuck here until Darwin, and his pack of rogues leave," I admit as I lean on Kalian's shoulder while he rubs my back.
"Hey don't worry Clarissa. You'll be ok, and everything will be calmed down by then. I know you'll be able to see you're sister soon. Don't give up yet, now I have to go before Drew sees me. See you tomorrow morning," Kalian smiles kissing my cheek as he leaves shutting the door behind him, then probably running down the hall back to his room. Drew comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist showing his v-lines as my cheeks instantly turn dark red.
"Clarissa?" Drew asks.
"Oh it's nothing! I'm just going to take my shower," I announce as I run into the bathroom slamming the door shut after me.
"Alrighty then," Drew chuckles. After I finished up with my shower, and I was dressed I walked over to the bed laying down on top of the covers watching tv with Drew.
"So who was in the bedroom with you while I was in the shower?" Drew asks me not taking his eyes off the tv.
"Kalian just wanted to talk," I admit.
"Ok. I trust you around him. Just not the others. They like being creepers," Drew says.
"Alright. Goodnight Drew," I smile as I slide down under the covers.
"Goodnight Clarissa. If you need me I'll be right here," Drew says squeezing my hand gently as I close my eyes letting the sleep take over.

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